A SEAL's Surrender (Alpha SEALs Book 3)

A SEAL's Surrender (Alpha SEALs Book 3) by Makenna Jameison

Book: A SEAL's Surrender (Alpha SEALs Book 3) by Makenna Jameison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Makenna Jameison
She stared after them in shock as Christopher came pushing through the door.  She looked over at him, wide-eyed, clutching her briefcase to her chest.
    “Shit, did I scare you?” he asked, rushing to her side.  “You’re white as a ghost.”
    She lowered her briefcase with trembling hands.
    “Lexi,” he said, his voice a low rumble.  She met his concerned gaze, and Christopher took her briefcase from her in one large hand, gently lifting his other hand to her cheek.  Without thinking, she relaxed into his warmth.  This was crazy.  For all she knew, those guys were asking her for directions or something.  But why’d they take off when they heard Christopher coming? And what was he doing here anyway?
    She unsteadily stepped back from his searing touch, wobbling in her heels.  She blinked.  The ground spun beneath her.
    His muscular arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back, holding her close to his side.  He still gripped her briefcase, not even bothering to use the handle.  Geez, his hands were massive.  Something sparked inside of her at the memory of them trailing across her skin.  She tried to pull away, to stop the onslaught of unwelcome memories, but he held her close.
    Christopher was a wall of rigid muscle beside her.  His clean, masculine scent surrounded her, and the warmth from his frame seeped into her as he tucked her against his side, making her feel safe, secure.  Her body relaxed into him, her breathing uneven.  The adrenaline pumping through her was because of her fright.  It had nothing to do with the hard-edged SEAL holding her close.
    “Lexi, you’re shaking.” He bent and set her briefcase on the ground before turning her to face him, his sure hands gripping her waist.  The weight of them sent her reeling, her head spinning.  She’d fall over if Christopher wasn’t holding her up.
    “Did something happen?” he asked.  Gentle brown eyes searched hers.
    “Those guys—I thought—”
    “What guys?”  His brow furrowed.
    “There was a car, right before you got here.  An SUV.  I saw this creepy guy watching me last night at my hotel.  And he was here.  Now.” She shook her head, trying to clear her disjointed thoughts.  Christopher watched her hair swish back and forth before once again searching her face.  She wasn’t even speaking coherently, just rambling like some lunatic.
    “Lexi.”  His voice was soothing.  Quiet.
    She met his gaze and swallowed.
    “Tell me what happened.  Should I call the police?”  Anger sparked in his eyes.  God, he’d probably chase after them himself if she let him.  Christopher had always been one of those protective, alpha males.  He was cocky and arrogant with the goods to back it up.  But he was also fiercely protective of those he cared about—or was most of the time, she thought bitterly, recalling the way it had ended between them years ago.
    She let out a shaky breath, her resolve strengthening.  “Just forget it.  I can take care of myself.”
    “Hell, Lexi,” he ground out. “I know you’re still mad at me.  But so help me God, tell me what the fuck just happened.  If someone is trying to hurt you, I’ll rip their goddamn heart out.”
    The aggressiveness in his voice startled her.  Calmed her.  Just because she was mad at Christopher her ex-boyfriend didn’t mean Christopher the Navy SEAL wouldn’t protect her.  Her eyelids slid shut, and she took a deep breath.  He was watching her closely when she finally opened her eyes, an unreadable expression on his face.  Anger, somehow mixed with…want.  Concern.
    She explained about the man she’d seen when checking in last night and then how he’d pulled into the garage in his SUV and called out to her.
    Christopher’s jaw ticked.  “Did you get his plates?”
    “I’ll get footage from the security staff at the hotel.  Otherwise I’ll look into whoever operates this garage.  One way or another—I’m finding out who he

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