Unicorn Bait
show on the road,” she muttered. She didn’t know what to expect when she entered the hall. What greeted her made her hold her breath in surprise. The hall had been transformed. Torches lit the large room from all sides with candles sparkling on the long tables. Flower boughs and wreaths hung everywhere with rich cloth draped on walls, windows, and tables.
    While she gaped, the guests in the room had turned to look at them. She became aware of their stares and quickly tried to school her features to a more haughty expression. She could do this, she chanted to herself as goose bumps and a cold sweat broke out over her. She hadn’t seen a silent cue, but after a moment, the hall broke out into applause, and Tavik raised his hand in acknowledgment of the welcome and nodded at a few of the people closest to them. She nervously smiled. They walked further into the room.
    People began stepping forward to greet them. They bowed and murmured how happy they were to see Tavik well and said welcome to his new bride. Tavik greeted the men by name and thanked them for the warm welcome. Naomi nodded politely and smiled shyly. She tried not to make the iron grip she had on Tavik’s arm too obvious, but short of a crowbar, he was not going to be leaving her alone with these people anytime that night. She spotted a group of women standing to the side. None of them smiled at her, and she had the feeling that anything they said in relation to her was not flattering. She wasn’t going to be making any friends that evening.
    She had been minding her P’s and Q's vigilantly throughout the dinner. She was sitting beside a grandfatherly sort who she happily let monopolize the conversation by telling her all about his grandchildren.
    Tavik tended to listen to others and nod and say little to anyone as well. It appeared everyone was having a good time. People were laughing and chatting merrily down the table. She envied their ease. She hoped she wasn’t sweating through her gown. When the feast was over, she glanced at Tavik. He had his chin resting on his hand. Musicians came into the room carrying their instruments. People began to rise and pair up for the dancing. She wondered how long they would stay to watch. She was ready to go back to her room. The musicians made noises like they were ready to begin, and the dancers took their places. She watched the dancing with mild interest. It was not fast or complicated, but knowing the steps beforehand was definitely required if one didn’t want to run into someone else or step on another’s toes.
    Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Tavik wave one of the servants over. He said something low into the manservant’s ear and sent him off. She watched the man go to the musicians and whisper into one of their ears. She looked at Tavik with confused curiosity. Had he made a song request? He turned and saw her looking at him. He put his hand over hers that rested on the table. She gave him a nervous smile and wondered what was next. The current dance was coming to an end.
    He rose from his seat, drawing her with him. She rose stiffly. With sickening dread, she realized they were going to the dance floor. She tried to balk, but he merely put his arm around her and drew her closer.
    “Yula said you don’t dance,” she hissed.
    “Normally, I don’t.”
    “Well, I don’t know how.”
    “What do they teach young ladies in your land?”
    “Nothing you’d appreciate.”
    “I will teach you how to dance,” he said. She barely registered his comment before he swung her around and showed her where to place her hands. The music started, and it was different from the first piece. She realized it was like a waltz, and the dancing positions were similar to a waltz as well. His arm went around her while his other raised her hand aloft. Her other hand rested on his shoulder. He began to guide her with gentle pressure. She moved a little woodenly and struggled to relax to make the dancing easier. She felt

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