Nessa (Broken Sisters #1)

Nessa (Broken Sisters #1) by M. Brennan

Book: Nessa (Broken Sisters #1) by M. Brennan Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Brennan
be amazing on the top floor especially the way the lights hit the water. On the other side of the water is Kessler Enterprises. Jeez he really likes to keep an eye on his business.
    We get in the lift and get off the top floor penthouse, not that I would have expected anything less from Taylor. I know I was here before but that's pretty foggy to me since I was very drunk then running like mad to get out of here.
    Once we enter his apartment I notice two things, it's all white with black furniture, not very homey and it's about the size of five of my apartments put together.
    Taylor goes to put my bag in a room and I go for a nosy. I spot a picture, it's of Taylor and a girl. She's very pretty and looks about my age with blonde hair but it darker than mine. She looks so familiar I just can't place her though.
    Before I have time to consider it further Taylor is beside me. "Who is this?" I ask because considering it's the only picture in here she must be important.
    "My sister," he says as he takes the picture from my hands and puts it back down. What was that all about? I raise my eyebrow at him.
    "How about a deal, if you go rest on the sofa I'll tell you about her and whatever else you want to know. I know how nosy you are so I'm willing to let you ask me whatever it is you want if it means you will trust me a little more."
    Oh hell yeah, Nosy Mary's gonna get her fill. I go to the sofa and he laughs and comes to sit beside me then he does something I don't expect and puts his arm around me pulling me over to cuddle into his chest. Damn him, I love a good cuddle and whit that one move my heart lets him in a little bit more.
    "So come on, what do you want to know?" Eh everything but I'll start easy.
    "Tell me about your sister." He tenses but then relaxes.
    "Ok. She is twenty-six and the apple of my eye. I'd do anything for that girl. She's had me whipped since she was a baby," he says proudly.
    "Cool she's my age, although I'm twenty-seven in December. What's her name?"
    "Her name is Colleen."
    "That's a pretty name. What other family do you have?" I ask.
    "My mom and stepdad." He doesn't go into further detail about them. He's not really giving much away but I can see this is a big step for him so I don't push.
    "How many businesses do you own?" He seems to relax at the change in subject.
    "I buy, repair, and sell businesses going bust. I could own ten one week and three the next, and they could be anywhere in the world." Wow, just wow.
    "How do you do all that by yourself? I mean should you really be sitting here during the day with me?"
    "My stepfather helps run it. He's also very good at it and I have a million employees who are paid to look after them so don't worry. There is no place else I'd rather be." He seems to tense when he says Stepfather.
    "Do you not like him?" I ask carefully and he's quite a minute before he answers.
    "It's not that I don't like him. He's a great business man but he's a pretty shitty Father. He was never there and when he was, he still wasn't really there. I didn't care." He sighs and then continues, "I'm adopted. My dad was a bad drinker and my real mom died in birth. When I was two my aunt took me for full custody and she's the best mom I could have asked for. She didn't think she could have kids herself, so Colleen was special surprise and shocked everyone—including my stepfather, who she met when I was. They're the only parents I've ever known and my mom is great and I only really deal with her husband on a business level but he's made sure I've had a decent life and help get my businesses off the ground so I'm thankful."
    "Wow that's… I'm sorry and happy for you all at the same time," I say and try to change that subject.
    "So how does one become a billionaire, do tell."
    "I studied business management in college. When I was twenty-one my real father disappeared, I don't actually know where he went nor do I care, but he left some money with my mom for me. I bought a little bar, fixed

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