Naero's War: The Citation Series 3: Naero's Trial
started making the arrangements. “Tell us what we need to do, Naero. Then we can prepare to implement the cure.”
    “Sure, in a moment. I’m not finished, yet. On top of the cure, the ship that we docked in your landing bay is a captured alien spyship of hybrid G’lothc and Dakkur tek.”
    She sent three data fixers floating over to Klyne. “These fixers have all of the data stored on the alien ship, the enemy wyrmhole projectors, and the tek secrets of another advanced race from the Gamma Quadrant called the Pelani, as I have mentioned before.”
    Klyne and everyone else stared at her once again.
    “Uh, when you’re done with The Black Spot , I’d like to have it back as part of my fleet. I could use a specialized craft such as that…in my line of work. That’s quite reasonable, don’t you think? I’m not asking that much in return, am I?”
    Klyne and his crew exploded into action, not sure of what to do first.
    Gaviok went over and quietly began speaking with the two High Masters, once he could get their attention.
    By then, Naero was very tired. She would need to rest, gather her strength, and do a great deal of startapping to power the Kexxian cure on Kalathar later that night.
    By then, the Spacer fleets should be going through the fixers to refit them with the new tek upgrades, and prepare to seek out the enemy.
    Klyne and the Naval strategists were already discussing how they might proceed.
    Naero had a hurried dinner with her crew. Captain Tyber and The Dark Star would arrive for their refit that night as well. She needed to hurry if she was going to grab some badly needed rest.
    Khai showed up from his various errands and missions.
    “Naero, I’ve heard the news. It’s so amazing what you have done.”
    “Baeven did a lot of it. I keep telling you how much we owe him.”
    “I have so much to tell you on my own.”
    Naero rubbed her eyes and slumped against him. “Please, could it wait? It’s been a very full couple of days, and I’ve hardly slept. If I’m going to start implementing the Kexxian cure on the planet tonight, I desperately need some rest. Will you just hold me? Just protect me and give me peace.”
    Khai’s eyes flared and he drew in a deep breath. “I can do that. Nothing shall get past me. In my arms, you shall be safe and warm. Have you given orders to your crew not to disturb your rest, my heart?”
    “Only if the galaxy catches fire,” Naero said with a chuckle.
    Khai offered her his hand. “Then come, know peace beside me, Naero. Let me be thy bed.”
    Naero smiled up at his handsome face. She was too exhausted to kiss him.
    Within minutes, Naero blacked out.
    Khai woke her gently, six standard hours later.
    She briefly welcomed Ty and his crew, and couldn’t wait to hold little Gallan. She spoke briefly with Alala, the entity on Tyber’s self-aware ship, welcoming her, as well.
    Then she had to prepare for the implementation of the cure to rid Kalathar of the G’lothc possession wyrm infestation, and reverse most of the negative effects. The reversal cure could not bring back any who had already perished. It was not a cure for death.
    And by the time she was finished purging the planet, Baeven and The Shadow Fox could be back from their maiden test flight through the wyrmhole projectors, back and forth across the Gamma Quadrant.
    When she explained the process to Klyne, the Intel Medical Corps, and the High Masters, at first they didn’t believe her. And for some strange reason, Gaviok was there also. Apparently, Klyne and the High Masters had taken the Prince of the Shai into the Alliance. He was now part of the inner circle.
    If only they knew that Gaviok was the closest thing that Baeven had as a brother. Most likely he did not tell them that fact in its entirety.
    “I’ll show you how it’s done. Bring in the remaining test subjects, and put the wyrms back into them,” she instructed.
    Again the medteks blinked at her as if she were insane.
    “Put them back

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