Mystery of the Midnight Rider

Mystery of the Midnight Rider by Carolyn Keene

Book: Mystery of the Midnight Rider by Carolyn Keene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Keene
Tags: Mystery, Sample Book
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was targeting you, because one of them was from Dana’s barn and looked a little like Midnight. But maybe the Midnight thing was a coincidence. Maybe the only im portant thing was that the horse came from Dana’s barn.”
    “But about Midnight. .,” Ned began.
    “I was just getting to that,” I said. “The suspension thing works too. Because as Midnight’s trainer, Dana was the one who’d pay the price if the horse got suspended. It all makes perfect sense!” “Okay, I see what you’re getting at,” Payton said. “And it would make perfect sense. Except that everyone on the circuit knows I always sign the entry forms as my own trainer.”
    That brought me up short. “What?”
    Payton nodded. “I sign my own entry forms. There was even an article about it in one of the industry magazines just last month. So I’m sure someone like Cal probably knows about it.”
    I was struggling to catch up to this new twist. "Wait, but someone told us it’s always the trainer who signs,” I said.
    "Yeah, that’s the normal way.” Payton glanced at Ned with the ghost of a smile. “But you know my parents don’t believe in doing things the normal way. They’ve always insisted I sign for myself. Dana wasn’t thrilled about that at first. In fact, I was afraid that drama might get me kicked out before my first show with Dana.”
    “I still don’t get it,” I said. "Why would your parents even care who signs some horse show entry form?”
    “I don’t know. I guess it’s supposed to teach me to be responsible for myself, or more independent, or something,” Payton replied. "Just another part of the Evans Edge.”
    "Can you even do that, though?” Ned wondered. “I mean, you’re still a minor.”
    "You’re right, actually my parents have to sign too because of my age,” Payton amended. “But in their eyes, I'm the one who’s ultimately responsible.” She glanced at me. “So anyway, this means that even if Midnight had ended up suspended, Dana would have been in the clear. I’m the only one who would’ve been in trouble.”
    “Oh.” I thought about that for a second. “And you’re sure Cal would know about that? You said he’s been away from the show scene for a while.”
    "That doesn’t matter,” Payton said. “The gambling stuff was only part of the reason Dana didn’t want Cal in her barn. The other reason is that he’s supposed to be some huge gossip. Trust me, he’s got to know.”
    My shoulders slumped. “Okay, so much for that theory,” I muttered. Come to think of it, maybe I’d been too quick to latch onto it anyway. After all, those threatening notes didn’t really fit either. Why would someone targeting Dana leave them in such obscure spots, knowing that Payton might not even tell her trainer about them?
    Ned stifled a yawn. “Okay, back to the drawing board, I guess,” he said. “Maybe we should all head home and sleep on it.”
    “But what about your date?” Payton sounded worried as we headed toward the parking lot. "I didn’t mean to ruin it.”
    "It’s okay, we were almost finished anyway,” I said.
    "Yeah.” Ned grinned at Payton. "Although I was kind of looking forward to dessert. You can make it up to me by giving me half of yours next time our families go out together.”
    That actually made Payton laugh. "It’s a deal.”
    The next morning I arrived at the show bright and early. Bess and George were with me, though George wasn’t particularly happy about it.
    "I can’t believe people voluntarily wake up this early,” she mumbled, stifling a yawn as the three of us walked along the path leading toward Dana’s ba rn .
    “Get over it,” Bess told her cousin. “The Grand Prix is tonight, and we need to figure out before then who’s trying to sabotage Payton.”
    "That’s right,” I agreed. “We don’t want this hanging over Payton’s head on the biggest night of her riding life. Otherwise she might not ride her best in front of the

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