My Vampire Prince

My Vampire Prince by T. Skye Sutton

Book: My Vampire Prince by T. Skye Sutton Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Skye Sutton
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’ t put much make-up on me, my cheeks are already pink from my nerves. I am ready now. Lliam has sent his brothers to drive Paudrigene, Ellen, Lianna, Chelsea, and myself to his house. It is to cold to have the wedding outside, so we are holding it in the ball room.
                  We arrive to his house at twelve thirty, one more hour to go. I hear what sounds like thousands of people, and I am sure that it is probably more than that. People are coming from all over the world to attend our wedding. The maids and butlers are rushing around like chickens with their heads cut off.  Groups of red roses are on every table, every shelve, every corner, and every vase. In the center of every group of red roses is a solitary black rose. I have always loved roses, and black and red are my favorite colors. I wonder, if Lliam and I have the same favorite colors, if he loves roses as well. He must love them, he left my first letter on a bed of rose petals.
                  I ask Paudrigene to show my ladies where to go, and I set off to find my mom and Lliam ’ s mum. I started upstairs thinking that they would be in mum ’ s office. As I was on my way there the portrait of Jeremiah Mackey caught my attention again. It seems like I am drawn to him. He looks older today, than the last time I saw his picture. The last time, he looked like Lliam. Today, he still looks like Lliam, just a much older Lliam. Maybe that is why it keeps catching my eye. I let it go, I have to find my mum ’ s and standing here looking at this portrait is going to make me late for my own wedding, and I despise being late.
    Chapter 20: The wedding
                  When I finally find my mom and Lliam ’ s mum, they are in my office. The red roses with a single black rose in the center, are all over in here as well. They both stand as I walk in, and they both start to cry. I hug both of them. “ Please, stop crying you guys. You will make me cry if you continue like this. I just had something to say to you two before I meet Lliam at the alter. ” I wipe the tears of my mom ’ s face, and than do the same for Lliam ’ s mum. As my skin came into contact with her tears, my skin started to vibrate. My eyes hazed over, all I could see was black. All of a sudden I was seeing people again, but they aren ’ t people I really know, these people are old. Well not old as in old age, but they appear to be from a long time ago; almost like, this is a vision of some sort, a vision of the past.  It looks like the ball room of this very house. Thousands of people are dressed in nice clothes divided amongst each side of the room with an isle down the center of them. Groups of red roses with a single black one in the center all over the place. A man standing at the front of the isle in a tux, and a women walking towards him slowly .  Suddenly, I am back in my life, standing in front of the women I searched for. They are looking at me like they expect me to say something. Did they even realize I was out of it?
                  I decide to act as if it never happened for now. “ I came here to tell you mom that I love you. I have always loved you. You are the best. ” I hugged her and whisper in her ear that I need to talk to Lliam ’ s mum in private and we haven ’ t got much time. She hugs me back than leaves. “ Mum, initially I came here to tell you that I love you and thank you because you have done more than necessary to welcome me into your family, and that I feel like I have always know you … I hate to say this but … blah blah blah … that can wait til later. I don ’ t have much time and I need your help, or advice or something. I don ’ t know what I need. ”
                  I start to panic, I can ’ t breath. I need … I need Lliam. “ Victoria, calm down honey, I know what you saw. ” Holy cow bat man, I think to myself. At least I know I am not

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