My Protector (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 2)

My Protector (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 2) by Alanea Alder

Book: My Protector (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 2) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
for him for sure. She looked up, concern on her face. He kissed the tip of her nose.
    "I remember Magnus from my time at Noctem Falls. I respected him as a warrior and I respect him as our Elder. If he feels the need to lecture me about the care of his beloved niece then I will let him."  
    Gratitude filled her eyes. "Thank you."
    "Anything for you. Do you suppose Aiden is looking for me?" he asked pulling the blanket up around them.
    She giggled. "I hope that Meryn wore him out so we can stay like this for a little longer."
    "We'll check on them in a little bit, for now let's just enjoy the afternoon."
    She snuggled close. He closed his eyes determined to enjoy this time with his mate despite the threat looming over them.


    Half an hour later Elizabeth walked down the stairs with Gavriel. They met up with a smiling Aiden and Meryn. Aiden looked up and grinned at Gavriel before leaning down to kiss his mate on the forehead.
    "Okay Meryn, remember what I said. You have to stop interrupting our training; we're still a functioning unit and need to be able to work on our drills. If you need to talk to me, try to come out during a break or lunch."
    Meryn sighed. "I'll try, but some stuff can't wait."
    Gavriel turned to Elizabeth and kissed her gently before stepping back. "I'm going to try to do drills with the guys this afternoon."
    "Be careful," she said.
    He nodded then both men headed for the door.
    Keelan came from the family room looking concerned. "Umm guys, we can take this stuff down right? Guys? Hello? Fireballs?" Keelan trailed after them voicing his concerns.
    Meryn laughed. "Poor Keelan." She turned to Elizabeth. "Come on let's get started."
    They walked to the office and looked around at the cluttered mess of stacked papers and the one small desk. They looked at each other.
    "Tomorrow?" Elizabeth asked.
    "Totally! I don't know how your afternoon went, but I'm wiped. I don't know how Aiden is out there doing drills. I'll work on the databases after dinner when Aiden and I are upstairs relaxing." Meryn stretched and yawned.
    "My afternoon was probably similar to yours and I agree, the men must be monsters." They walked to the family room. Meryn collapsed on one of the large leather couches, Elizabeth the recliner. Elizabeth reached over to the side coffee table and picked up the forgotten pastry bag. She pulled out a cookie smiling happily.
    "I don't want to move." Meryn curled up into a small ball.
    "Me either." Elizabeth kicked back the recliner chewing her chocolate chip cookie. It was scrumptious.
    "Ladies, would you like some tea?" Ryuu asked from the doorway.
    Meryn opened one eye. "What time is it?"
    Ryuu leaned back and checked the foyer clock. "It's one thirty denka."  
    "Can you wake us up before the guys come in?" Meryn yawned.
    "Of course," he was about to leave the room when the phone rang. He turned and picked up the old-fashioned receiver.
    "Alpha Unit Estate, oh yes. How are you today sir? We're fine here. He is outside at the moment but Meryn is here. Yes, hold please." Ryuu covered the mouth of the receiver.
    " Denka, Lord Byron is on the phone for you."
    Meryn perked up and hopped off the couch. She took the phone from Ryuu. "Hey Dad. Probably, I'm not sure. I can ask him. Yeah, hold on." Meryn set the receiver down on the sofa table and turned to her.
    "I gotta run ask Aiden something." She turned to the door.
    " Denka, your coat," Ryuu said.
    Meryn shook her head, "I should only take a second."
    Elizabeth stood. "I'll go with you; maybe the fresh air will wake me up."
    Elizabeth followed Meryn out the door to the side of the house. The clearing beside the driveway provided the men the space needed to work in larger groups. They walked up to the open area where the men were sparring with each other. Smiling they waved as she approached.
    "Hey Aiden..." Meryn called out.
    Aiden turned, a frown on his face. "Meryn what did I just tell you about interrupting our training? These drills

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