Her Last Love (Small Town Hearts Trilogy #1)

Her Last Love (Small Town Hearts Trilogy #1) by H.C. Bentley

Book: Her Last Love (Small Town Hearts Trilogy #1) by H.C. Bentley Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.C. Bentley
the station, as they were part of my unit, so that made it a little easier for me. My commander was there with me as well. I told them everything that happened leading up to, and including, the attack. The sergeant took the report, along with pictures of my visible injuries and a copy of my medical report. They said they would forward a copy of everything to Jason's - that was his name, Jason - commander as well. The guy taking my statement told me that my neighbor had restrained him while waiting for the MPs on duty to show up, and that Jason had been in a cell in the back of the station the whole time I was giving my report. I'll admit it relieved me to know that he was in custody, because I had been planning to ask to have a patrol come by my quarters if he hadn't been arrested already."  
    Lynn got up from her chair to walk over to the window and look out onto the lawns illuminated by street lights. Carter saw her face reflected in the window pane, looking tired and worn, as if the day had completely exhausted her. He reached for his coffee as he waited for her to continue.  
    "Jason's commander got the paperwork, and they went forward with UCMJ proceedings," she said, referring the military's code of justice. "It went to a court martial with a number of article charges. The main one being an article 128, which is assault on a commissioned officer. Of course, Jason twisted things to make himself look good when he testified. But between my neighbor's testimony and mine, not to mention the evidence, he didn't have a chance of getting out of the charges. He received a dishonorable discharge, had to forfeit all his pay and allowances, and is now serving three years at the correctional facility on the Sembach Kaserne."  
    "As glad as I am that he got at least some of the punishment he deserves, what does that have to do with why you left the service?"  
    Lynn turned to face him and leaned back against the window frame. She crossed her arms and gave her shoulders a slight shrug.  
    "The process wasn't easy on me. I took a lot of flak from different people about being a female in the military, how I was looking for special treatment, how I was trying to ruin the career of a good soldier, and so on. With some, it became borderline harassment. Between dealing with that, and the nightmares I had for a while after the attack, it began affecting my work. My commander was great and tried to be supportive, but as a unit, we had a job to do and my situation was pulling focus from that. I had to decide whether I wanted to transfer elsewhere, or put the military behind me and start again with something else. My re-up date was coming up fast, so I decided that it would be better for me not to reenlist, and to take my excess leave time for travel while I still had the chance. As soon as I made that decision, it seemed like everything fell into place."  
    "And your parents, your family, don't know the real reason you came home?"  
    "Not really. I've given them a very vague reason, but I'm sure that they - especially my mother - know that something isn't right. I wasn't ready to talk about it. Still not, but here we are." She shrugged again.  
    "I'm not sorry that I made you go through it all, because you needed to get it out, but I am sorry that it hurts you to do it."  
    "I’m just trying to put it all behind me."  
    "I understand that, but you do realize that you need to tell your family at some point?"  
    "Wish I didn't, but I know I do."  
    "Well, when the time comes, let me know. I'll go with you."  
    "You will?" She looked at him with questioning eyes. "Why?"  
    "For one thing, I'd do it for any friend, because that's what friends do. But for you, I want you to know that there's someone with you who knows the story, and that you have someone to lean on if you need it."  
    Lynn continued to look at him, curiosity warring with the overwhelming desire to accept his offer.   
    "You don't have to take me

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