
Cupid by Julius Lester

Book: Cupid by Julius Lester Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julius Lester
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they hated her. But now that
Thomasina and Calla were coming to look for her, Psyche chose to ignore what she knew about them. And the thought of seeing her sisters made her even more aware of how lonely she was.
    All that day Psyche cried. Her tears were not only from loneliness, however. These were also the tears of anger and resentment. How dare her husband, whoever he was, refuse to let her see her sisters. How dare he not allow her to, at the very least, take away their anguish by letting them know she was alive. How dare he!
    Cupid heard her tears and came as soon as Night covered the sky. He held her in his arms, but her sobbing did not stop. Cupid may have been a god, but, in one respect, he was like practically all men: he could not withstand a woman's tears.
    "Beloved Psyche. You promised me one thing, but you have spent the day regretting that promise. You are angry with me because you think I am denying you something you need. I assure you I am not. I seek only to save you from yourself and to save us. Alas, I see that it is not in my power. Do what you think best. But I warn you. When you realize the damage you have done, it will be too late to repair it."
    If Psyche had stopped to ask how he knew about her sisters, how he knew she had cried all day, she would have understood that only a god could have such knowledge. But she was incapable of knowing anything except her overwhelming loneliness.
    "Please understand," she began, "it would do my heart
so much good to see my sisters. They grieve for me and I need to let them know that not only am I alive, but that I am married. Would you mind if I gave them a few pieces of jewelry? I have more than I can ever wear. Please, my love." And she began to cry again.
    "Do as you think best," Cupid responded. "But listen to me. Your sisters have minds that care only for evil. They will do everything they can to convince you to see what I look like. I repeat: if you look at me, all the happiness you have now will vanish."
    "I understand," Psyche told him in all sincerity. "I would not do anything that would hurt our love. Even being held and kissed by Cupid himself could not fill me with the joy I find in your arms."
    For an instant, Cupid was tempted to light the oil lamp and let her see from whose embrace and kisses came the joy she spoke of. But a sadness overcame him as he realized that Psyche would have said anything at that moment to get her way.
    "I will command West Wind to bring your sisters here. You should pray that the gods will have mercy on your soul."

The Sisters Visit
    The next morning, Psyche had just finished breakfast when she heard two voices calling her name. "Psyche! Psyche!"
    "My sisters!" she exclaimed. "My sisters are calling for me!"
    Psyche called for West Wind. When he arrived, she instructed him to go to the mountain and bring the two women calling her name.
    Psyche was waiting outside the palace when Favonius sat Thomasina and Calla down. She ran to greet them, giving both many hugs and kisses.
    Thomasina and Calla were too busy looking at the garden and the palace to notice Psyche's demonstrations of affection.
    "I am so happy to see you," Psyche told them. "Come in and let me show you my new home."
    As the two sisters followed Psyche from room to room, their mouths opened wider and wider in disbelief at the wealth they saw. And if that were not enough, there were the invisible servants who prepared baths for them and, later, served them a sumptuous meal, which, they noticed, Psyche had done nothing to prepare.
    Psyche saw that her sisters were not eating and wanted to know what was wrong. "If the food is not to your liking, please tell me, and I will have another meal prepared."
    "Everything is fine," Thomasina said. She and Calla smiled tightly.
    "You are so fortunate to have married a man of such wealth," Thomasina continued. "Poor Calla and I married nobility, but, alas, what good is a man who has a full title and an empty purse?"

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