My Lady Compelled

My Lady Compelled by Shirl Anders

Book: My Lady Compelled by Shirl Anders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirl Anders
Tags: Regency Book 1
Drummond?" Gabriella asked softly.
    He would lie! He would sidestep, begin to talk seductively to throw a diversion, if he could retrieve any words passed his passion-cramped throat. He would—he would. Hell!
    "I am overwhelmed," Drummond expelled, mumbling for the first time in his life. Then he turned, taking his shirt off as he did, thinking that he had best leave his pants on—perhaps through the entire encounter! Drummond glanced up at Gabriella, rather sheepishly, he supposed for him, and found that she was smiling. Actually, she was grinning, with warmth, love, and quite a dab of feminine power. The whole while she twirled the end of the chain with his passion pearl, bringing his gaze downward.
    "I suspect that I deserve this completely," Drummond muttered. Another first, he never muttered.
    "You do," Gabriella challenged with a sultry giggle, then she slanted one leg outward with her pink toes pointed, just so. She was posing for him.
    "Gads, woman, you are merciless," Drummond proclaimed, and then he was there, pulling Gabriella down to her knees in front of him. "I am begging you, madame. I am begging you to let me touch your breasts."
    Gabriella laughed, warmly and seductively, with a woman's innate power over her man. "My amour, I will die if you do not touch my breasts." Then, she surprised him yet again by lifting each of her breasts plump weight upward, offering them to him. Thrilling!
    "Beautiful. Simply the most beautiful breasts that god has ever created," Drummond expelled, bending his head downward to lock his lips around the pinkness of one of her distended nipples.
    "Drummond," Gabriella mewled, throatily.
    Ah! He was back in control again. Drummond caught Gabriella by the back of her waist with one arm as she swayed and he suckle-bit the jutting and tight peak into his mouth.
    "Oo god-god!"
    "Mmm," Drummond purred, lifting Gabriella higher against him to take more of her nipple into his mouth, while his industrious free hand began shaping and molding the lush contours of her exquisitely shaped butt.
    Gabriella nearly swooned. No man had ever put his mouth to her nipple before! Her husband had been want to squeeze her breasts in a fashion she always imagined must be quite like milking a cow. But no man had ever licked her nipples, biting on the nips, sucking on the tight swollen peaks and sending bolts of desire straight into her loins.
    Gabriella cradled Drummond's head in her hands, hitching her breast higher into the heat of his mouth as he tugged her lower body forward and flush against the hot skin of his tight belly. She could feel the sprinkling of his body hair crinkle against the exposed surface of her shaved loins as her toes pointed around either side of his hips. Gabriella ground her pillowed sex against Drummond's sinewy stomach in a primitive rhythm as he moved his mouth to her other breast.
    "Amour-amour," Gabriella mewled low in her throat, feeling wild and abandoned, as though she could never get close enough to Drummond. Her fingernails scratched his muscled shoulders and down his back as his teeth nipped at the peak of her nipple with a recurring plucking motion.
    Oh, dear heavens! "More," Gabriella mewled, quaking in Drummond's arms as he chuckled, his excitement and he gave her more, sucking the entire circle of her nipple into his hot mouth. Excitedly, Gabriella found the band of his satin evening breeches and began to try to tug them downward. She wanted his cock. Oh God, she wanted his cock! "Please, Drummond," she pleaded squirming with fevered passion against him, frustrated at her inability to lower his pants. To see . . . to touch . . . to feel! "Please!"
    "God I love you, Gabriella," Drummond rasped as he broke away from her. But he gripped his large hand in her hair, gently tugging her head back, arching her neck up to him as he gazed down at her with his eyes sharp and lustrous in passion. "I am going to fill you, Gabriella. I am going to mate you in as many ways as

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