My Dearest Naomi

My Dearest Naomi by Jerry, Tina Eicher

Book: My Dearest Naomi by Jerry, Tina Eicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry, Tina Eicher
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gotten on until the third table, especially if the house is a little small, and they can’t set up a lot of tables.
    By the way, your sister Heidi said all the females at their house have been on diets all week, which depressed me. I guess I should go on one, but who likes diets? I’ll just try to watch my eating closer. That will do it, hopefully.
    I spent some time outside this afternoon leading Laddie around. I can tell from the look in Dad’s eyes he’s seeing dollar signs from the coming sale of the colt, which has to happen, I know. I’ve gotten really attached to him, that’s all.
    There was an Englisha boy at church today. One of the girls said his name is Darrell Hooley, and that he’s staying at Harvey’s place. He wants to join a community and is checking out the possibilities.
    Daniel and Lydia are really going on with their courtship. At least according to what the others say. It’s said that they’re acting like they’re already going steady, and I suppose they will be pretty soon. Don said Friday night that he saw them together as much as the other steadies, if not more. I say good for them, as it suits me just fine. I think they make a good pair, and you never had any business dating Lydia in the first place, whatever your excuse was. There, that is said.
    Some news events this Sunday were as follows. Sharon, Martha, and Ruth all had cape and apron suits on for the first time. On the singing front, someone must have decided it was time because David Miller sang the praise song for the first time. John Yoder had to start the first line for him, though. David didn’t do too badly from then on, but his voice was rather weak. I suppose I’d be a bit weak too if I had to do the song. I miss the power and beauty of your voice when you led the praise song. I cried a little in the middle of the song thinking about it, but then I stopped when I became afraid someone would notice.
    Melvin and Johnny were here today as visiting ministers from the other district. Johnny had the first part and Melvin the second. I appreciate theway Johnny preaches. He is meek and includes himself in what he says. He often stresses the point that we are not to be too hard on other people but to look at ourselves first. I often wish I could be more like that. His daughter Barbara is such a good example. You hardly ever hear her talking about or putting other people down to the last notch.
    Stan Yoder’s family and the Richards are leaving for a sudden Montana trip on Tuesday. It’s for a visit to relatives, though I don’t know how long they will stay.
    Today we had a really beautiful day, with the first frost on the ground this morning. I miss you awfully, especially after the praise song episode. I didn’t feel like I could smile all day, and when I did, the attempt felt plastic. We girls sat behind the men, and I watched the young wives as they brought their children to their husbands. I thought how great they had it that they can be together practically all the time. I also thought about what our children would look like, perhaps a little like you or a little like both of us? Would he be calm or active?
    I hope it won’t be too many weeks until I can see you. What a joy that will be, even though the pain of parting will be hard again.
    I love you dearly, 

October 18
My dearest Naomi ,
    “A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench” (Isaiah 42:3). I have been repeating this verse a couple of times a day. It’s a great comfort to me, showing us how God deals with those He loves.
    I received your letter today, the one you wrote on Friday evening. You say so many nice things, all of which warm my heart.
    There was a letter from my mom today. I guess she wants to keep checking up on me. But I suppose that’s what moms are all about.
    I have some questions for you to answer sometime…whenever you get to it.
    No. 1: What do you see as the most important thing that you want out of

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