My Dearest Naomi

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Book: My Dearest Naomi by Jerry, Tina Eicher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jerry, Tina Eicher
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laugh if he could hear us?”
    I’m sure you would have. But it’s good that we’re planning on having lots of children because we came up with some really nice names for them.
    Mom had a letter from one of her sisters in northern Indiana. Their boy Edward is getting worse and worse with his rumspringa behavior. He even parked his car right beside the house! Why his parents allow it, I don’t know. Rosanna said that if her child parked a car beside the house, she would smash the windshield. But I doubt if she really would, once the time came.
    Keep looking up! Remember, my thoughts and prayers are often with you. I’m so lonely without you. I love you with all my heart.
    Again, I love you,

October 19
My dearest Naomi ,
    Tomorrow the bookmobile is coming, so that meant we had to get all the books in order today. Each child has to have the books at his or her desk ready to turn in. The children took out around 150 books the first time, so that’s a lot of books to keep track of. From what I can tell, everyone has the books back at school rather than lost at home somewhere. To help, I had written all the titles belonging to each child on a separate piece of paper. Last week we checked all the pages, and we went through the whole thing again today.
    Dena has been doing well with the first graders. She practices and practices with them on the blackboard, working on numbers from 1 to 1000. I’ve also worked with them some, and they are learning—slowly.
    Poor Laverne’s asthma has been acting up lately. I don’t know if it’s the weather or what. He gets to wheezing and coughing so badly. But he’s a tough little boy and won’t give up. Everyone feels sorry for him. His family takes good care of him. His older sister Velma, who’s in the seventh grade, is like a mother hen when it comes to her brother. Laverne talks to me sometimes, but not about his condition. He tries hard to live life as other people do.
    This morning Lydia brought a salamander to school. She said her dad caught it and put it into a can for her. She wouldn’t touch it. I had to get it out and put the creature in the gallon can where the foxtails are. The can is filled almost to the top with dirt, but I didn’t figure it would crawl out.
    Then Crystal came in and saw it. She said, “What if that thing gets out? If it does, I’m not coming to school tomorrow.”
    Of course, you can guess what happened. Just before recess Velma pointed down to the floor—and there it was. It ended up causing a minor panic. Everyone looked to where Velma was pointing, and almost at once several of the girls clambered to the top of their desks. The hardier girls and the boys helped me chase the creature, but it got away. There will be no more salamanders in school.
    I had a run-in with Dena today in English class. I didn’t know she could be so sure of herself. The class had active and passive verbs. When the subject does the acting it is active, if not it’s passive. After marking whether the sentence was active or passive, they were to rewrite thesentence with the opposite voice. Here is the sentence in question: “Several boys have already completed the projects.”
    Boys are completing the projects, so it is active. The rewrite could possibly be “The projects of several boys have been completed.” Dena wrote, “The projects have already been completed by several boys,” which I thought was still active.
    Dena claimed her version was passive, so now I am doubting myself. Anyway, write me what your opinion is. I would be interested.
    With all my love,

October 20
My dearest Naomi ,
    I reread one of your letters from a while back, where you watched the married couples and thought how wonderful they had it being together all the time. Well, that will be wonderful, but we have to wait, I guess.
    The news about the trip to Montana I had heard before—maybe you told me. That sounds like fun though.
    The bookmobile arrived on schedule today. We

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