My Billionaire Stranger

My Billionaire Stranger by Shae Black

Book: My Billionaire Stranger by Shae Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shae Black
if Elijah triggered his mind somehow bringing him back to the here and now. Maybe seeing me wasn’t helpful because I’m not familiar, who knows? But what I do know is that I need to talk to Dr. Krane, now.
    “I’ll be right back, I have to use the bathroom.” Surely he can’t object to that, and I’m right, he nods as if he’s giving me permission to leave. Whatever, as long as he thinks he’s in control and I can get out of the room for a minute he can think whatever he wants.  Outside the room I scan the hall for his day nurse Traci…where the hell has she been all day anyway? No one has come into his room all morning. I don’t know what I’m complaining about, it’s a good thing she didn’t walk in earlier when Marcus was pawing at me in his hospital bed! After a quick walk around our small unit, I find her outside another patient’s room. “Hey Traci, I wanted to talk to you about Marcus in room eight, he’s having some problems and I really think Dr. Krane needs to come and see him.”
    “Is he, ok? Does he need anything? I knew you were in there so I saved his assessment for last, I’m so sorry Imani.”
    “No, no, that’s ok. I’ve got him, it’s just that he’s having trouble with his memory, and he just had a sudden onset of confusion. He’s threatening to leave the hospital. Dr. Krane really needs to come and see him.” I’m trying to convey just the right amount of urgency, it’s important but certainly not an emergency. Not until someone comes to drive him home anyway and I can totally see him doing that. “Oh ok, I’ll call him right away.” She’s off to the phone and I return to Marcus’s bedside where he’s arranging our lunch on his hospital table. Whatever it is, it smells wonderful. More food from Dominus I’m sure; I could really get used to this, I hate to cook. After an intricate display of organization, he looks up at me, smiles and beckons me closer. “Let’s eat.”
    “Marcus, do you know who I am?”
    Now he’s looking at me like I’m nuts. “Yeeesss Imani, what is wrong with you? You look distraught.” He thinks I’m losing it, not him, that’s rich.
    “I think you had a blackout, just a minute ago you didn’t know who I was or where you were,” I explain, and he waves his hand in the air dismissing my concern. “Stop worrying I’m fine, let’s eat and then I want to talk to the doctor, I’m getting out of here today.”
    This is really bad, coming from the man who says he always gets what he wants. He might want to go home but he needs to stay here, for a while anyway. Elijah stands idly by gauging the situation. From what I’ve seen of their relationship his next words are not typical. “Marcus, sir, I think you should listen to Ms. Jefferson, if she believes you should stay maybe you should.” Marcus shoots a death glare at poor Elijah and a very long very uncomfortable silence falls over the room. Finally, he agrees to see Dr. Krane. “I will speak to him but I am going home today no matter what he says so make the arrangements Elijah.” “I can get the same care at home that I can here, and with Imani I will be fine. If I need a test I can come and do it as an outpatient.” He’s trying to make it seem like he’s compromising, but Elijah knows the truth and I am learning quickly that this is a master manipulator at work.
    “What about my contract with the hospital?” I question.
    “I called my lawyer this morning, everything should be finalized by this evening, you can sign the paperwork and come home with me.” I feel like I’m being sold, or adopted from the  local animal shelter. He’s changing my life completely, if only temporarily but it’s all business to him. I’m taken aback by his ability to make this happen so seamlessly and effortlessly.
    “Uh, ok, but what if Dr. Krane doesn’t think it’s a good idea for you to be discharged yet?” I’m grasping at straws to no avail, he’s going home and I’m going with

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