Man Enough For Me

Man Enough For Me by Rhonda Bowen

Book: Man Enough For Me by Rhonda Bowen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhonda Bowen
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busy and too independent to be married to anyone.
    Jules cringed at the memory. Only Momma Jackson could say the word “independent” like it was some fatal disease.
    Before she knew what she was doing, she was on the phone calling Davis.
    “You’re coming, right?” Jules asked over the poor connection. Even though they were technically on the same land mass, Davis sounded a million miles away.
    “Of course I’m coming,” he said, laughing. “I’ll be there on Thursday evening; quit worrying.”
    “Momma said you were coming on Friday.”
    “Yeah, I was, but I changed my mind and decided to come a day earlier.”
    “And you didn’t tell Momma?” Jules asked, surprised.
    “Nah, I want to spend some time with Keisha, and I know once I get to the house me and Key’ won’t have a moment alone.”
    Jules smirked. “Well, well, is that the precious son lying to his mother?”
    “I’m not lying,” Davis said. “I’m just leaving out some information, that’s all.”
    “Yeah, well, don’t let me hear nothing about you and Keisha shacking up in some hotel somewhere for the night,” Jules warned. “You know Keisha’s big mouth sister will find out and let me know.”
    Davis laughed. “No way, sis. I’m staying at a friend’s. Keisha’s crazy momma would kill me if I tried anything like that.”
    Jules laughed. It was true. Even though Keisha’s family had pretty much adopted Davis, they were still by the book Christians, and they would tolerate no fooling around between Davis and their daughter. Davis still joked that though he and Keisha had been together for years, he wouldn’t even risk kissing her in front of them, much more trying anything else. Jules could understand. With Momma Jackson, it was pretty much the same.
    “Speaking of Keisha’s big mouth sister,” Davis said. “I hear you’ve been bouncing all around town with some guy. How come you didn’t tell your little brother you found a dude who could put up with you?” Davis asked cheekily.
    Jules rolled her eyes. She had known it wouldn’t be long before someone leaked her relationship with Germaine to her family.
    “It wasn’t a big deal, we just started going out a little while ago,” she said, giving Davis the Cliff Notes version of the Germaine-Jules story.
    “Well, it sounds like you guys got pretty serious in that little while,” Davis said. “And I know you didn’t tell Momma, because she would have called up the whole world by now.”
    Jules groaned. “Of course I didn’t tell Momma. I like this guy, remember?”
    “Well, it’s gonna be pretty hard to keep him a secret when you bring him to family dinner this weekend. Who are you going to introduce him as? Your really good friend that you’re not dating?” Davis asked. Jules didn’t have to see him to know he was smirking.
    “I’m not going to introduce him at all,” Jules said simply. “He’s not coming.”
    “Come on, Jules, what’s the big deal?”
    “The big deal is that our mother will embarrass me to death and have him running for the hills.”
    “If he can put up with you, then he can handle Momma,” Davis said.
    “Davis, please,” Jules said. “Ghandi couldn’t handle Momma.”
    Davis laughed. “Okay, but Momma is going to be really madwhen she finds out you’ve been dating this guy for months and didn’t tell her—and that’s assuming that she doesn’t already know, because you know she knows everything.”
    Jules sighed. She had thought of that possibility. But that was a chance she was willing to take. She needed to sort out her own issues with her mother before she could bring someone else into the picture. Especially someone who she was really starting to care about.
    “Look at it this way,” Davis reasoned. “It will be an opportunity for you to see how cool this guy is under pressure. Besides, with him around, Momma will probably be on her best behavior.”
    Jules snorted. She highly doubted that.
    “If nothing else, bring

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