My Alien Prince: Claimed by the Atrexu (SciFi BBW Alien Romance)

My Alien Prince: Claimed by the Atrexu (SciFi BBW Alien Romance) by Calista Skye

Book: My Alien Prince: Claimed by the Atrexu (SciFi BBW Alien Romance) by Calista Skye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Calista Skye
Tags: alien romance
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throat that felt raw.
    “Are you unharmed, my love?” Ar'Ric said, cutting the straps that held her down.
    “I think so,” Emily said in a hoarse voice as the prince took her hand and helped her get off the table. “You got here just in time. He wanted to... to cut me up.” She stood unsteadily on her feet and let Ar'Ric support her.
    “He's insane. But that doesn't excuse his actions. Where are your clothes?”
    She pointed to a corner of the room. “That's my overalls, but it's ruined now. He cut it off me.”
    Ar'Ric took his light uniform jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders. It reached almost to her knees.
    “At least I have this for you,” the Prince said and reverently handed over her plastic spray bottle of blue cleaning liquid. “A warrior always dislikes being without a weapon.”
    “Ah... Okay. Umm... thanks.” She took the spray bottle from his hand.
    Emily just wanted to leave this horrendous place. “Shall we just get going?”
    “Of course. I'll just see if your tactical utility belt might still be intact.” The prince walked over to the corner and searched through the bundle of drab fabric that had been Emily's work attire.
    Then Emily saw movement from the corner of her eye. She yelped as the now mostly recovered duke pounced on her from a curled-up position on the floor and tried to lock his one intact hand around her neck.
    “Die, alien monster,” he hissed, and his white, claw-like hand clenched around her throat with surprising strength. There was only one thing to do. Emily pointed the spray bottle right at his face and squeezed the trigger as hard as she could, spraying the lemon-scented all-purpose cleaning liquid into his eyes. The alien duke screamed again and let go of her neck, stumbling backward and trying to rub the stinging liquid out of his eyes with his one functioning hand. Emily gave him a hard kick and he fell to the floor in a whimpering heap. Immediately the prince was upon him and dragged him towards the door, where Ev'Ax and more soldiers were coming through. The whole thing had only taken a few seconds.
    Prince Ar'Ric left the duke to Ev'Ax and the Imperial Guards and walked Emily out of the palace and inside his armored hover car.
    “Now I will take you to my own residence,” he said.
    “Is that a palace, too?” Emily asked. “Because I heard that you're a Crown Prince, next in line to become king and emperor. Or was that something the insane guy back there dreamed up?”
    The prince started the engine. “I was not going to reveal that to you just yet. But now that you ask, I have no choice. It is true that I am a royal prince and the Heir Apparent. The Emperor is my father.”
    “I see. You've called me 'my love' twice now, I notice. Not something an heir apparent does lightly, I'm guessing.”
    Ar'Ric pulled on the controls, and the hover car was airborne. “What I mean by that is that I need a wife, a princess, a mother to my heirs. That's why I came to Earth in the first place. By some strange coincidence, you appeared aboard my ship. And I find you immensely attractive.”
    “Right,” Emily said, looking out into the alien night. She enjoyed being alone with the prince, but she was still trembling with adrenaline from her encounter with the duke. “Well, the feeling is mutual.”
    “Is it? You surprise me. But it's a pleasant surprise. Would you then consider marrying me if I were to propose to you?”
    Emily hesitated. She wanted nothing more. But she was not who he thought. “Ar'Ric, I think you have the wrong idea about me. I'm not really a warrior. Like, not at all. I'm a cleaner. I clean toilets.”
    The prince glanced over at her and lifted his eyebrows in surprise. “I have to confess that I feel some relief. I had my doubts about marrying a warrior. But a cleaner, nobly fighting uncleanliness and entropy wherever it may be found – that is a profession worthy of a princess!”
    Emily frowned. “You don't mind that I'm not a

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