Murder in Honolulu: A Skye Delaney Mystery
recent circumstances.
    "So we'll have to rely more on good
old-fashioned detective work to get the bastard," Kawakami said,
running a hand through his coarse dark hair.
    "Yeah, whatever it takes," Ridge said.
    Everyone seemed in agreement on that.
    "There is one other thing..." Newman said,
looking directly at Ridge.
    Isn't there always ? Ridge
thought to himself, sensing what was coming.
    "I've heard rumors that you're involved with
Carter Delaney's ex-wife—" Newman looked uncomfortable mentioning
    Ridge thought about denying it, especially
with Captain Chu looking on, but then figured what was the point?
Especially when he wanted their relationship to become public
knowledge. The fact that he was seeing Skye had nothing to do with
this case, per se. Or his ability to conduct the investigation.
    "They're more than just rumors," Ridge
admitted. "Skye and I are dating, so..."
    "I understand she's an ex-cop turned
security consultant and private eye," Newman said.
    He's obviously done his homework ,
Ridge thought. Or more like he'd gotten someone else to do it for
    "Right on all counts," Ridge said, wondering
where this was going.
    Newman scratched his nose. "Will she be a
    Ridge raised a brow. "A problem...?" He knew
damned well what the mayor was talking about, but he wanted to
force him to say it.
    Newman adjusted in the chair. "The last
thing we need is for Ms. Delaney, with her background and
professional skills, interfering with this investigation. Think you
can keep her in line?"
    Ridge thought about it for maybe one second,
then said: "With all due respect, Mayor, it's not my job to keep
Skye Delaney in line. I have no control over what she does as a
private investigator or citizen for that matter—"
    Newman frowned. "Don't get me wrong,
Detective Larsen, I don't give a damn about who you're sleeping
with. This is about not jeopardizing this case for any
conflicts of interest. I hope I'm making myself clear."
    Ridge composed himself before responding.
"You are. But, just for the record, there is no conflict on my
part. I intend to treat this case like any other and Skye
completely understands that. She'd never ask or expect me to
compromise the investigation in any way." Not that she's above
asking for favors , Ridge thought, which he was happy to give,
as long as they both understood where to draw the line.
    Captain Chu seemed satisfied and so did
Detective Kawakami. Mayor Newman gave a polite nod and said: "Glad
to hear that." He stood. "I guess this meeting is over. The sooner
you wrap this case up, the better for all of us."
    Ridge took the words seriously, believing
that the longer the investigation dragged out, the greater the
pressure to solve Carter Delaney's murder, particularly with Skye
just as determined to get at the truth.

    It was my turn to pay Darlene Delaney a
    This time it was anything but a
get-acquainted house call. Whatever problems she and Carter may
have had, there was no escaping the fact that the woman he had
chosen over me was having an affair at the time of his death and
was also involved with a drug dealer. In my mind and experience,
that was more than sufficient reason to make her a leading suspect
in Carter's murder before, during, or after the fact.
    Whomever Ollie bit had no DNA record on file
with CODIS. But the person did have AB negative blood, which would
help narrow the field. Since the suspect was believed to be a male,
that would rule Darlene out. However, she got no free pass from me
for possibly being complicit in Carter's murder.
    The electronic gate was open when I arrived.
Darlene's BMW was parked in the driveway. It looked like it had
just been washed. At least she has her priorities in order ,
I thought cynically. Or maybe she had something to hide. Noticeably
absent was Carter's Cadillac, currently impounded by the police as
possible evidence in his murder.
    Professionally dressed in a periwinkle

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