Mortal Temptations

Mortal Temptations by Allyson James

Book: Mortal Temptations by Allyson James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allyson James
far off the road with no other houses around it. But Dyons were creatures of darkness, at their most powerful during the night.
    Andreas climbed to the porch and lay down just outside the door, the cats draping themselves around him.
    If Rebecca heard the soft thump on the porch floor, she made no sign. Nor did she hear the moan that came from the window above, where Patricia and Nico were starting in. It took all Andreas’s willpower not to climb onto the porch roof, put his paws on their windowsill, and watch them.

    PATRICIA’S face was in shadow, but moonlight outlined her breasts, which pushed up against the nightshirt, her nipples tight points stretching the light fabric.
    Nico straddled her on his hands and knees, excited and hard. He helped her tug the nightshirt up and over her head and toss it to the floor.
    She was so beautiful bare. He recalled what she’d looked like in her apartment when he’d told her to strip. Her body was slim and taut, breasts large enough for him to catch in his hands and enjoy the warm weight of them.
    Thighs strong, belly tight. The tuft of hair between her legs glistened with moisture. She gave him a lazy smile, her ringlets of golden hair haloing around her face. Did she know she was driving him insane? Breaking his heart?
    Probably not. She was caught up in wanting, and for now, that was fine.
    He caught her under her knees and lifted her legs, opening her for him. The slit of her pussy shimmered in the moonlight, the golden hair surrounding it glistening with her dew. His penis wanted to slam inside that intriguing dark opening, to pound until he came.
    That wasn’t what he was here to do. He had to pleasure her, never mind his own needs.
    Patricia smiled and reached for him, and his body warmed. She still didn’t really believe in the curse, though she would in time. She didn’t understand what it was to have an all-powerful creature at her mercy, as Hera wanted him to be. Patricia just wanted Nico.
    He knew what else she liked. He closed his eyes in pleasure as he let his wings break free, and she laughed as she caught feathers in her hands.
    “Yes,” she whispered, clutching the black feathers tight, then she cried out as he leaned down and began to pleasure her with his tongue.
    REBECCA woke with a start. She had fallen asleep at the desk, her head resting on her bent arm, the pencil still in her fingers. She sat up, rubbing the stiffness in her neck.
    A snow leopard sat at her feet, watching her with unblinking blue eyes.
    Rebecca went very still. The creature’s face was white with patterns of small black dots, while his legs and back bore the large, circular spots common to leopards. The fur on his chest was nearly pure white, and his eyes were like chips of blue ice.
    The two cats Patricia had brought with her wove around his feet, and the inn’s cat sat on her haunches just behind him. All three cats were purring, but the leopard remained silent.
    Interesting dream. “Hello, you,” she said. “You’re pretty.”
    The leopard’s eyes narrowed. Maybe a male leopard didn’t like to be called “pretty.”
    “Handsome, then,” she amended. “Can I pet you?”
    The leopard lowered his head toward her hand. She laid it on his fur, marveling at how sleek it was. He turned his head into her palm, and she rubbed behind his ears, enjoying how his eyes closed in pleasure.
    He put his paw in her lap. She flinched at its weight, but his claws were sheathed. He hoisted himself to half rest on her thighs, his breath warm through her shirt. She continued to rub his head and scratch along the side of his face, and he let out a little whuff of contentment.
    As she rubbed, he leaned forward until his large nose pressed the opening of her blouse, his breath hot on the bare skin beneath.
    “Stop that,” she said, but she couldn’t help laughing.
    Her laughter ended abruptly when his hot tongue lapped between her breasts, catching in the lace of her bra. She tried to

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