Mortal Temptations

Mortal Temptations by Allyson James Page B

Book: Mortal Temptations by Allyson James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allyson James
with both of them? ”
    Her face heated, but she couldn’t deny the forbidden fantasies dancing around in her brain. “I don’t want to hurt Nico. I don’t want to be like that.”
    “He already knows. He told me this morning he knew it was time for you to take it to the next level.”
    Anger stirred in spite of her excitement. “I’m so glad the two of you decided for me.”
    His smile turned feral. “ You decided, Patricia. We only watch . . . and wait.”
    “I don’t want to hurt Nico,” she repeated stubbornly.
    Nico’s voice came from the doorway. “You won’t.”
    He walked inside, fully dressed, then shut and locked the door behind him. He looked not at all angry or dismayed that Andreas was there, though some suppressed emotion flickered across his face.
    Staying dressed, Nico climbed onto the big bed and lay down on the other side of her. “What do you want him to do?”
    Patricia’s limbs felt watery and cold, her body hot and shivery at the same time. Andreas’s breath warmed her face, the firm muscles of his arm heavy on her shoulder.
    On her other side, Nico was all that was protective. She liked the feel of his jeans and shirt against her bare skin. Having a man on either side of her was an unfamiliar, delicious pleasure.
    “Am I really doing this?” she asked in wonder.
    “You are,” Andreas said.
    Nico laid his hand on her abdomen, once again the smiling, sinful, seductive Nico. “Give in to what you truly need, love. What do you want us to do?”
    Patricia took a deep breath. Her most buried fantasies, the ones that made her blush and wonder if she was quite normal, started knocking for her attention. Nico’s question loosened the desires that she’d wanted to fulfill for a long, long time but never imagined she’d have the chance. Now two men were at her service, their gold chains meaning she could ask them to do anything she wanted.
    “I want Andreas licking my pussy,” she said rapidly, “while I suck on your cock.”
    Andreas’s blue eyes sparkled. “That’s an arrangement I can take.”
    Nico smiled like a wine steward pleased with a patron’s choice. Then his look turned as feral as Andreas’s, and he ripped the covers from Patricia’s body.
    Patricia was still naked and damp from their play, and she’d slept hard. “Not yet,” she gasped. “I have to shower.”
    Andreas rolled away from her, conceding. “We can do this in the shower.”
    “If it’s a big enough shower,” Nico added.
    “We can scrub her down, anyway.” Andreas sauntered into the bathroom, morning sunshine through the blinds’ slats throwing stripes across his body.
    “Nico,” Patricia began.
    He was on his feet, his hand at his fly. “Go,” he said, his dark eyes shuttered. He didn’t want to talk; he wanted to do .
    Patricia scrambled out of bed and scurried into the bathroom, where Andreas had already turned on the water. The bathtub was a long whirlpool tub with a showerhead above it. It was large enough for two; a tight fit for three.
    “It’s warm,” Andreas announced. “In you go.” He snatched Patricia off her feet and easily deposited her in the shower.
    His big body was warm and already wet. She hadn’t liked Andreas at first, but she’d begun to warm to him. He was as trapped in all this as Nico, and his bad temper stemmed from that. Now her warmth for him was turning volcanic.
    Nico walked into the bathroom, unclothed, as Andreas slid to his knees in front of Patricia. Andreas snatched a cake of soap from the holder and started to rub it over her thighs and pussy.
    There was a second bar of soap on the counter in a box. Nico tore it open and dropped the little boutique soap on his large palm. He reached into the shower and smoothed the bar over Patricia’s back and shoulders.
    The double massage felt wonderful. Patricia leaned her head back, letting the shower wet her hair, and Nico moved his hand to soap down her breasts.
    “Every woman’s dream,” she murmured.

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