Moonbeams and magic

Moonbeams and magic by Janelle Taylor

Book: Moonbeams and magic by Janelle Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Taylor
Tags: Fantasy fiction
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aboard to prevent drawing attention to them or givmg the impression of a vessel worthwhile to attack."
    "Then how does Tochar know when and where to raid?" His questions flowed swiftly and fluently. "How do we get those android pilots to halt and lower their force shields? How does Tochar market something so secretive and dangerous?"
    Starla noted how intelligent and educated he seemed, in particular for a space pirate, and how inquisitive. "Obviously he has contacts in Seri and Kalfa, important men in the know. You'll soon learn we have various ways of assaulting our targets. As to his buyers, I don't know anything

    about them, or if he's even sold any to date. I wouldn't advise asking questions about moonbeams or his sources; Tochar only shares that information with his three friends. Even I'm not told our destination and target until we reach them. I'm sure it will be the same with you."
    "So, we're trusted, but we aren't. We're tested and accepted, but kept blinded. Interesting. . . . I've never hired on with anybody who withheld information and didn't allow me to help plan our strategy. That makes me a little wary and edgy. How about you?" He saw Starla nod. "We can be of great help and protection to each other if we stick together."
    Starla fused her gaze with his. "That's a tempting offer; just prove it's an honest one, and keep all I've told you to yourself, or we're both in deep trouble."
    "I will, trust me."
    "Give it time and patience. Good night, Dagan."
    Starla looked at Cypher. "I wonder why he disclosed such perilous things, if they're true. He doesn't seem the type to do anything without a good reason, one in his favor. If he thinks I'm so naive that allegedly sharing secrets will ensnare and bind me to him, he's wrong. I suspect he was trying to draw me toward him for a purpose I haven't grasped yet. Perhaps Tochar is suspicious of me and he's hired Dagan to get close enough to expose me. It's possible Dagan lost that struggle during the last raid by intention. On the other hand, Tochar knows I don't do life-taking, though he believes I killed the crew chasing me when I was attempting to make my initial contact with him, and that ruse worked. What he doesn't know is those were advanced androids similar to you who only looked and sounded human. It's that traitor—or traitors—^in Seri who have me concerned. Raz Yakir is supposed to be the only one who knows of my assignment and identity, but what if he let them slip

    to the wrong person, the one supplying Tochar with information about moonbeams and their shipments? Or maybe I said or did something to cause him to doubt me."
    Cypher had not intruded on her rush of questions and remarks; he comprehended she was reasoning out matters aloud to clarify them in her mind, a trait of hers, and a means of letting him know her thoughts. "I require more data to classify Dagan Latu's character, motives, and goals. It is improbable Tochar doubts you; analysis of voice patterns do not indicate suspicion in him or the others. It is illogical for Raz Yakir to expose you to anyone, even those close to him, because one is a traitor."
    The android's words were reassurii^. ''If D-agan didn't know about the truth serum test, why would he take a recorder with him? And if he did know, why would he subject himself to uncontrollable scrutiny unless he was certain he would pass it?"
    "He could have suspected Thorin would be used."
    Before Cypher could continue, Starla's gaze widened and she asked, "Do you suppose Dagan was sent here by an enemy of Tochar's to check out his defenses and activities, to look for any weaknesses? Perhaps to search for a way to disable Tochar's weapons so an attack could take place?"
    "Tochar has many enemies. Those would be logical steps for a challenger to take if an attack is being planned. It is not known everywhere that Tochar has Destructoids."
    "You're right. That means Dagan could have been sent by a rival to study Tochar's strength. Do you think

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