Montana Hearts: Her Weekend Wrangler

Montana Hearts: Her Weekend Wrangler by Darlene Panzera

Book: Montana Hearts: Her Weekend Wrangler by Darlene Panzera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Panzera
said, narrowing his eyes.
    “Or someone who wants to keep us busy,” Zach complained. “Now we’re going to have to work twice as hard this season to growenough hay to feed the cattle or else put out a ton of money to buy from someone else.”
    “I can ask Aunt Mary if we could lease her field this year,” their father said, throwing the dying blade he’d pulled up back onto the ground. “Then we’ll have to purchase new seed.”
    More dread poured into Ryan’s gut as the enormity of the financial consequences this would have on them continued to register.“She promised Owens he could use her field this season, but he hasn’t planted yet. We could still ask her. Tell her we’re in a bind. I’m sure Aunt Mary would rather lease the land to us.”
    “Won’t that cause problems between you and your father-­in-­law?” his dad asked, quirking a brow.
    “ Ex-­ father-­in-­law,” Ryan corrected. “I’ll explain the situation, but if he throws a fit, believe me,there will be no love lost between us on this deal or any other.”
    “Aunt Mary hates going back on her word,” his father continued. “Especially now, when she’s feeling sick and wants the rest of her life to count for what’s right.”
    “Dad, we have no choice,” Ryan told him. “We need her field.”
    “Yeah, and Ryan can butter her up before you ask,” Josh added. “All he has to do is show herthe progress he’s making with her filly.”
    “You’re right,” their father agreed. “Ryan, let me know when it’s a good time?”
    He nodded, anxiety welling in his chest. First, he’d have to “make progress” with Bree.
    A FTER B REE RECEIVED an inspiring pep talk from her brother, Luke, she arrived early for her second training session with the mare and filly armed with an arsenal of weapons towin the day’s upcoming battle for trust.
    The first tactic was to muster her courage and use the element of surprise. Instead of waiting for Ryan to show, she marched straight into the Triple T stable to the stall on the end. The horses were still munching their breakfast hay when she approached, and lifted their heads, perked their ears, and paused in their chewing as if to say, What are youdoing here?
    For her second tactic, she reached to press the play button on the portable CD player she’d brought along. The building soon filled with the soothing strands of one of her favorite country-­western ballads, “Lovely to wake up by your side each morning.” She hoped the horses might take the hint.
    She glanced at the star on the filly’s forehead and her thoughts drifted to thenight she’d come face-­to-­face with the horse in Serenity’s stall when Delaney had made her help feed.
    The red roan had looked at her with soulful eyes as if he didn’t want to be there any more than she did. Then later that night she spoke with her father and learned that the gelding had lost someone, too—­his owner.
    It wasn’t the horse’s fault he’d been brought to her family’s guestranch and put in Serenity’s stall. No one really had control over where they were placed in the world. Just like this mare and filly that stood before her now. They’d all been hurt, needed to put the past behind, and move on.
    Which led her to tactic number three. She needed to understand her opponents and discover weaknesses in their nature to press her advantage. She dug in her bag and pulledout a bright orange carrot and a big, shiny red apple. The mare leaned her head forward and started licking her lips in anticipation. Oh, yes, definitely a weakness.
    A soft voice behind her asked, “Are you giving treats?”
    Oh, yes, she was. She turned to find Ryan’s son standing behind a hay bale a few feet away. “Hi, Cody,” she greeted. “Where’s Annabelle?”
    “She’s with her puppies.”The boy gave her a curious look. “How do you know her name?”
    Bree flashed a smile. “Can you keep a secret?”
    The boy nodded and cautiously stepped around

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