Montana Hearts: Her Weekend Wrangler

Montana Hearts: Her Weekend Wrangler by Darlene Panzera Page B

Book: Montana Hearts: Her Weekend Wrangler by Darlene Panzera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Panzera
    Ryan took another step toward her, and grinned. “Yes.”
    “I’m sorry about the other day, but this time I have a plan,” Bree informed him.
    He gave her a direct look. “So do I.”
    She glanced away and spotted a bucket of brushes already set in the corner of the stall. She took one and handed Ryananother. “Okay,” she agreed. “I’ve got this side.”
    Bree expected Ryan to brush the other side of the horse, but he stepped up beside her and set out to work on the same side of the horse as she. What was he doing?
    She slid him a sideways glance and he smiled, took her hand in his, and pulled her fingers up to the horse’s mane. “Feel how soft his hair is,” Ryan murmured, his voice closeto her ear. “How sleek.”
    Her heart hammered in her chest. All she could feel was the warmth of his arm pressed against hers, the firm grasp of his hand over her own.
    “Breathe in his scent,” he continued.
    She’d forgotten to breathe altogether until he mentioned it. She took a deep breath and drew in Ryan’s fresh, manly scent instead. “He’s . . . he’s . . .”
    She spun around and foundRyan’s face just inches from her own. She couldn’t help it; her gaze drifted to his mouth. His lips parted, he bent his head, and—­she gasped, recalling how she’d been in a similar position when he’d helped her escape from the wobbly bookcase in the general store.
    “He’s what?” Ryan whispered.
    “He’s . . . good.”
    “Good?” Ryan asked and chuckled, a rich, glorious sound. He pulled hishead back and gave the horse a pat on the rump. “I’d say he’s great. Top of the line.”
    So are you. My, oh, my, but he was a charmer. No wonder the ladies clung to him wherever he went. All he had to do was give them one look with those big brown eyes, flash them that award-­winning smile, and—­poof! He got whatever he wanted.
    But was this what she wanted? After her charming ex-­boyfrienddumped her in New York? Her brother’s words shot through her thoughts. “In case plans go awry, always have an exit strategy.”
    “Ryan Tanner,” she exclaimed, pushing him away. “Are you trying to charm me?”
    He grinned. “What if I am? Is it helping you to relax?”
    “Just the opposite,” she said truthfully.
    His smile waned. “I thought if I charmed you , then you could work your charm withthe horses . . . like you used to.”
    So he had been manipulating her the whole time for his own benefit. Of course. She should have known better than to allow herself to think any different. Then she considered his words and realized he’d actually paid her a compliment.
    “W-­wait a minute,” she stammered. “You think I’m a charmer?”
    “One of the best. I’ve seen you train.”
    “Where?”She couldn’t remember seeing him at any of her past training sessions.
    “At the fairgrounds, summer before senior year. You helped your competitor with the black and white colt?”
    “Oh—­I remember.” She stepped forward and poked a finger into his chest. “You came up to me and my friend with a girl on each arm and asked if I’d like to join you.”
    He nodded, his expression innocent. “I wasfascinated by what I saw that day and wanted to talk to you about the methods you used to bring the colt around.”
    “Really?” She felt herself blush. “I thought . . . you wanted something else. And I said . . .” She hesitated as more heat rose into her cheeks. “I said, ‘Get lost, Tanner. Looks like you already have more women than limbs unless you grow a tail.’ ”
    He grinned. “Yes, you did.”
    She held his gaze for a long moment, then said, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t in the mood to join your doting fan club.”
    He grimaced. “I was hoping the other girls would get bored and leave so I could join yours . I’d have stayed all afternoon and watched you train if . . .”
    “I hadn’t been so mean?” She smiled at him. “Why?”
    “I’d never seen a horse respond to

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