
Missing by Susan Lewis

Book: Missing by Susan Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Lewis
Tags: Crime
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she is?’
    Taking a step back as a cloud of steam rose up from a boiling pan of couscous, he said, ‘If I knew, she wouldn’t be missing.’
    ‘Very droll. So will you be making an appeal to the public, asking if anyone’s seen her?’
    ‘I believe that’s what the police did this evening.’
    ‘Not the same as the husband, or the daughter, doing it though, is it? How is Kelsey, by the way?’
    ‘She’s fine, considering.’
    She watched him sample the chickpea sauce he had simmering around the chicken legs, then took some from the spoon he offered. ‘Mm, heaven,’ she declared, as the spicy flavours unfolded over her tongue. ‘Will you marry me, if we find out you’re free?’
    ‘No, I swear, it’s delicious.’
    His eyes narrowed, and returning to the stove he said, ‘It’s time I told you the reason I invited you here.’
    Intrigued, she sipped some more wine.
    ‘I want you to try and find out what Jacqueline was doing during the weeks before she left,’ he stated.
    Justine stared at his hands, not moving, not even sure she’d heard right.
    ‘I’d rather not have you working against me,’ he told her frankly, ‘and we both know that’s what the Critch will want. Not that I mind what’s written about me, but it hurts children to see their parents lambasted, or incorrectly accused of crimes they haven’t committed, and I think you’ll agree my daughter’s been through enough.’
    ‘Of course,’ she replied, ‘but I have to confess to being surprised at your asking me, considering what happened in the past.’
    He turned to look at her.
    ‘Vivienne’s convinced I’m responsible for the article that brought Jacqueline back from the States,’ she reminded him. ‘And as far as I’m aware, your daughter is too.’
    ‘I know you better than they do,’ he responded, ‘so I’m in no doubt that the Critch forced your hand over that.’
    Her eyebrows rose. ‘So you do think I was involved?’
    ‘As I said, I know your hand was forced – and I know your style, so I’m fully aware of which parts were written by you, and how much was added, or changed, by him. In my book I have you to thank for it not being even more damaging than it was.’
    ‘The outcome was still pretty horrific.’
    ‘Not even the Critch could have known Jacqueline would go that far, which doesn’t let him off the hook. As far as I’m concerned, he’s swinging high.’
    She nodded her agreement. ‘So what you’re asking now,’ she said, ‘is that I try to keep the reins on him again?’
    ‘Insofar as you can.’
    ‘And what would be in it for me?’
    ‘You’d have the inside scoop on what’s happening with the search, if it comes to that. As you know, she could turn up again at any time.’
    ‘At which point there wouldn’t be a story?’
    ‘But if there is, you’d want me to run my copy past you first, so you can have some control?’
    He didn’t deny it. ‘The Critch is the only one I’m worried about,’ he stated, ‘and not without reason, as history has proved.’
    She was regarding him closely, wondering whether now was the right time to ask if he’d be willing to give her a job at the end of it, or was he just going to use her to declaw the Critch, then drop her again? Deciding to let it wait for a while, she said, ‘I can’t tell you how relieved I am to discover I still have your trust. If nothing else, it proves loyalty has its rewards.’
    ‘I’m glad you see it that way.’
    She smiled, and felt a new warmth rising up inside her.
    ‘I want you to come back to Devon with me after the weekend,’ he went on, taking two warm plates from the oven. ‘You can get some background on the place, and ask questions in a way I can’t, as the husband.’
    ‘What about Kelsey? I can’t imagine she’s going to be thrilled to see me.’
    ‘She’s going back to school on Monday, so she won’t be there.’
    ‘And if Jacqueline decides to show up? I’ll be

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