miss fortune mystery (ff) - bayou bubba

miss fortune mystery (ff) - bayou bubba by sam cheever Page B

Book: miss fortune mystery (ff) - bayou bubba by sam cheever Read Free Book Online
Authors: sam cheever
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silly critter, I made my eyes go wide and my lips form a terrorized “O” and clicked a picture to send to my BFFs back in Indy. I chuckled as I hit Send and turned, squeaking a little as I almost ran into a man with a thin, graying ponytail and a tattoo of a gator running up his enormous biceps. “Oh, sorry.”
    The man fixed me with a glacial gray gaze. He didn’t speak, his too-small mouth pursing a little inside the boundaries of a mustache and scraggly beard.
    “Well.” I felt like a complete fool for my selfie antics so I laughed self-consciously and stepped around him, imagining I could feel the sting of his gaze on my back as I hurried inside.
    Cal was talking to a man I assumed to be the manager.
    “Yeah, I know him,” the manager said. “That’s Bayou Bubba. Sinful’s most interesting homeless guy. He don’t look like that no more though.” The manager grinned, showing jagged teeth the color of the Bayou.
    Cal slipped the picture he carried of my father back into his shirt pocket. “Can you tell me where we can find him?”
    The man’s mud-colored smile slipped away. He glanced at me…probably noting, too late, the shell-shocked aspect of my face. He inclined his head in my direction. “Ma’am.”
    The man I assumed was the manager of the Backwater Inn reached beneath the counter and pulled out a key, handing it to Cal.
    One key. Oh oh. I opened my mouth to object when Cal handed it to me. “Do you know where Bayou Bubba is living?” he asked the motel manager.
    The man skimmed me another look.
    Cal glanced my way. “Miss Chance, will you go to the room, please? I’ll join you in a couple of minutes.” Remembering my close call with the frigid-eyed guy outside, I considered digging in my heels and insisting that I stay, but something on Cal’s handsome face made me nod and exit the stifling office. Despite the thick, overheated air outside, I was thankful to leave the stale ashtray scent of the office behind me. I looked at the key, which had a grinning alligator key chain, and noted the number nine on the gator’s yellow belly.
    Room number nine wasn’t far from the Jeep. Recoiling at the sour, coolish air that met me at the door, I shielded my nose with one hand. “Ugh!” The room was dark and noisy, with a portable air conditioner toiling loudly from its hole in the wall.
    There were two beds, both covered in dark green cotton spreads, and one small table between them.
    The carpet was also dark green, making the whole room depressingly dark. I went over and yanked the heavy drapes back, sneezing as dust bloomed on the air. Sunlight speared the room with light and heat.
    The door snapped open and the delectable Cal was suddenly backlit by the blazing sun. He stared at me for a moment and I held my breath. My gaze followed him as he closed the door and crossed the room. He scanned a look over the bathroom before coming back.
    “Do we have enough towels?”
    He didn’t even crack a smile.
    “Soap?” Okay, there was a slightly desperate sounding squeak in my voice. I twined my fingers together and swallowed. “Just hit me with it. Rip it right off like a Band-Aid.”
    Cal’s dark eyebrows peaked. “Rip what off?”
    Good god! “What did the manager tell you that he didn’t want to say in front of me?”
    “Oh.” Scrubbing a big, square hand over his chin, Cal looked me right in the eye. “He told me your father’s in the morgue.”
    My knees buckled and, to his credit, Cal proved he had excellent reflexes as well as a truly fine ass. Thank god he caught me. I’d have hated to land on the filthy carpet.
    The sun streaming across it had illuminated something that looked a lot like dried blood.

    “It can’t be true.”
    Cal sat next to me on the lumpy bed, looking distinctly uncomfortable. It was probably the tears. Maybe the sobbing. Or it could have just been that he was worried I’d almost faint again.
    Whatever. His large,

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