think you’re fucking nuts. I’m outta here.” He glanced down at Adam on the floor. “Get up. Don’t be a pussy.”
He left, slamming the door behind him.
Jenna Byrnes
Adam’s heart echoed the thud that seemed to shake the walls. He wasn’t firmly invested in Mitch any more, but he hated to see him leave in such an aggravated state.
“Turn around,” Nick said softly.
On his knees, Adam turned towards his Master and looked up.
A wide grin split Nick’s face. “He’s a fiery one, your cowboy. Should make for some good times once we get him corralled.”
Adam tried not to gape. “Are you serious? Mitch wants nothing to do with us. He was pretty convincing. Permission to speak candidly, Sir?”
“Of course.” Nick ran his fingers through Adam’s hair.
“I’m shocked you’d suggest what you did without talking to me first. Mitch and I had a volatile break-up. I really don’t want to get involved with him again.”
Nick dropped to one knee so they were face to face. “Are you sure about that? I’ve seen the way you look at him, with a sad sort of longing. Have you noticed the way he watches you? Holy shit! He can barely keep his eyes to himself, let alone his hands. There’s no doubt he’s still interested.”
Adam shook his head. “Don’t you understand? It doesn’t matter. Mitch broke my heart. I was involved with my new job, settling in, trying to do everything perfect. He was unhappy and I never knew it, might never have known it, until he told me he was leaving. A few days later, while I was still processing what he’d said and trying to figure out what we were going to do about it, he packed up his shit and left. No more discussion, no more arguments, he simply left. I was devastated.”
“I’m sorry . I’m sure it was awful for you.” Nick pulled Adam into his arms. He kissed along one earlobe and murmured, “But it seems to me your heart has mended. Don’t you think it’s time to move on? Forgive him so you can put the past behind you?”
Adam bent his neck to give Nick better access. “I have moved on. He’s the one who showed up here without warning.”
Nick shrugged. “So, why not take advantage of it? Honestly, I see a relationship with Mitch as a good thing. A chance for you to exorcise your demons, so to speak.”
Adam sighed, tired of talking and ready to get lost in feeling. Nick’s mouth caressed him, and he wanted to savour the moment. “Can we talk about this tomorrow? Right now, I want you to make love to me.”
Jenna Byrnes
Nick growled and pressed Adam to the floor beneath him. They stretched out, Nick grinding his solid erection into Adam’s thigh. “Yes,” he murmured, continuing to kiss every inch of skin his mouth could reach. “Sounds perfect. No leash tonight. Just you and me, lost in passion.”
Adam groaned. Nick’s shaft felt wonderful against his leg. It’d feel even better pounding his ass.
“Hang on.” He leant up, fumbling around inside the end table drawer. Under some coasters and a magazine, he found what he searched for, a condom and small tube of lubricant. “Here.” He thrust them at Nick. “May I help you?”
Nick chuckled. “Anxious boy, are we? No, sweet thing. Tonight, I’ll take care of it. Lie back and let me love you.”
Adam closed his eyes. He trusted his Master completely. Whatever Nick chose to do was fine with him.
He heard Nick tug down his slacks and the sound of the foil packet ripping. He raised his hips so Nick could drag his pants and underwear off. His erection sprang free, but Nick ignored it.
His Master spread his legs and pushed his knees upward over his stomach. A slick finger circled his anus then dipped inside. Apparently as desperate for the sex as Adam, Nick didn’t waste much time on foreplay. He stretched the hole until three fingers went in easily then moved between Adam’s legs and nudged his cock to the opening.
“So hot and
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