copies of Meggie’s. The casual way she kissed Christopher and placed a hand on his shoulder, the way she glared and bristled at the strawberry blonde, led Meggie to believe she stared at Christopher’s girlfriend.
    Meggie glowered at him. “Where’s Boss? Where’s my father?” she snarled.
    The strawberry blonde’s mouth curled in a distasteful smile. She opened her mouth but the other woman shook her head.
    “Shush, Ellen,” she ordered.
    Not taking his eyes from Meggie, Christopher nodded. “I suggest you listen to Kiera.” He stood and wrapped his arms around Kiera’s waist, leaning to kiss her just as Ellen had kissed him.
    His look challenged Meggie to gainsay him. Without thinking, she grabbed his mug of beer and threw it in his face. The outflow caught Ellen and Kiera , as well, for which Meggie was grateful.
    “What the fuck, bitch?” Ellen yelled.
    Her father always told her no one could shove her into an emotional mire unless she allowed it. As best she could, Meggie had held onto that through her dealings with Thomas, knowing he had the problem. She didn’t. Of course, that reasoning seemed well and good in her head. Putting it into effect was something else entirely. She’d found other ways to cope. It might not have been the best way, but it was her way and she’d gotten through it. More her father’s daughter than her mother’s, she wouldn’t be cowered.
    When Ellen came at her, bypassing Christopher’s furious advance, Meggie shoved her back with all her might. The shove caught Ellen by surprise and she smacked into a barstool, landing hard on her butt.
    Christopher jerked Meggie toward him. She balled her fist and managed to graze his jaw, earning her freedom. She scooted around him and headed for the exit, not knowing her destination just knowing she had to leave.
    “Sit the fuck down, Ellen,” Christopher called, hot on Meggie’s heels. “Don’t you walk out that fuckin’ door, Megan.”
    “Bite me,” she yelled. “You overbearing, conceited rhinoceros.”
    His arm looped around her waist and she struggled against his hold. Since he was as strong as a rhinoceros, it didn’t do any good. He plunked her down near the shattered glass and wasted beer.
    “You gonna fuckin’ clean this.”
    His tone of voice told her arguing would be a mistake, but she felt hurt, disappointed, angry, just a walking stew of emotions too numerous to list. She drew in a breath, hating how close to tears she was. To counteract sobbing her heart out, she decided to face him. She narrowed her eyes. “I’ll clean it if you tell me what she meant about my father having sex with young girls.”
    “This ain’t up for negotiatin’, Megan.”
    She stomped to the table where she’d been having such a wonderful time and sat in the chair Christopher had vacated. She began untying the laces on her boots. When she had one off, she threw it at Christopher.
    “What the fuck you doin’?”
    She got the other one off and aimed for his head. He sidestepped it.
    “You don’t like shit on your feet too much, huh, babe?” Rack called, the amusement in his v oice indicating his extreme enjoyment of this scene.
    The y had become the night’s entertainment. As the club president, Christopher wouldn’t allow anyone to disobey him. In private, it would’ve been horrible enough. Being in public made it ten times worse. But Meggie didn’t care.
    “Do what you will to me. I don’t care! I’m not staying here and I’m not cleaning anything. I’m not wearing the same boots you bought for your girlfriend. You must’ve gotten a 2-for-1 special.”
    The more she spoke, the blacker Christopher’s mood turned, until the force of hell surrounded him. He balled his fist, stepped closer to her. Meggie swallowed, determined to stand her ground.
    “You ain’t stayin’ here, bitch. You fuckin’ right. Go back to your momma’s where little girls like you belong.”
    “Go back to hell where mean, cantankerous men

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