Mishap Marriage

Mishap Marriage by Helen Dickson

Book: Mishap Marriage by Helen Dickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Dickson
know it was useless arguing with him. She wanted Captain Fitzgerald in the way a woman wants a certain man. She had watched unmoved, contemptuous even, the gyrations of other men, many willing to marry her to get their hands on some of her father’s money, listened to their flattery, which came from their falsely smiling mouths, and been ready to yawn in their faces. Now, out of the blue had come this force, this transformation which had caused her heart to perform a whole new beat, to be moved by one man and no other.
    A man who did not want her, a man who was prepared to marry her for no other reason than to get off the island. It was not to be borne—she could not...
    ‘Of course you will want for nothing, you know that.’ Antony suddenly became aware that his sister was looking at him as though he was speaking in a foreign language, her eyes wide and staring and stunned. He looked at her anxiously, for all his plans were made and if she should refuse... ‘Shona, you will have him, won’t you?’ he demanded menacingly.
    She wanted him. Yes, she admitted it to herself, recognising it at last. She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anything in her life before. She would repay him, she vowed. She would be a good wife to him, a good mother to his children. Perhaps, she thought wistfully, they would deal well together. They had much to learn about each other, yet many couples began life together with less in common than she and Captain Fitzgerald. In spite of everything that had happened between them, he was a man she could respect and admire. Even his rugged vitality she found attractive—and she had found it extremely pleasurable when he’d kissed her.
    ‘Yes, Antony, I’ll have him. I’ll be his wife.’ Wife. The word had a pleasant ring to it—a wonderful ring. A glow warmed her. ‘I’m merely surprised he’s agreed.’
    ‘I remain somewhat puzzled by his sudden change of heart to comply with my demands.’
    ‘How soon?’
    ‘Before the week is out.’
    ‘You mean to forgo the reading of the banns?’
    ‘There will be enough witnesses to make the marriage valid.’
    ‘And who will perform the ceremony? Reverend Trimble is still away just now.’
    ‘There is a clergyman aboard the Ocean Pearl. He will do the honours—providing his credentials are in order.’
    ‘Have you some doubt about it?’
    ‘Let’s just say I will make quite sure that Fitzgerald isn’t trying to pull the wool over my eyes. I’ve ordered Deverell to make discreet enquiries concerning the Reverend Cornelius Clay.’
    Deverell, trustworthy and dependable, but as sharp-faced and cunning as a ferret, was Antony’s right-hand man. With Deverell to guarantee that Shona abided by her brother’s demands, she had known no opportunity to be anything but compliant to his wishes. If deception was afoot, then Deverell would sniff it out.
    * * *
    The following day, when Antony went off about his business at the sugar mill and Carmelita was resting, Shona rode down to the harbour. Dismounting, she secured her horse to a hitching post close to the pier. Further along Captain Fitzgerald’s ship was tethered by her bow fast and stern lines. A figurehead of a woman with flowing dark tresses graced the head of the ship, and the name Ocean Pearl was carved into the stern. Other ships were in dock, but none compared to the Ocean Pearl. Like a proud queen she stood tall and serene amid her consorts. Shona walked past kegs and barrels towards the gangplank of the vessel. A man in a blue coat came to where the gangplank touched the ship. When he espied her, he smiled.
    ‘Can I help you, miss?’
    ‘Is Captain Fitzgerald on board?’
    ‘And what, may I ask, has drawn the fair Shona McKenzie from her roost?’ a voice behind her asked.
    Shona whirled round at that familiar deep voice. Her heart set up a wild thumping as she realised it was Captain Fitzgerald, grinning from ear to ear, silver-grey eyes as clear as crystal. He radiated the

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