
Miranda by Sheila Sheeran

Book: Miranda by Sheila Sheeran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheila Sheeran
when I was afraid of something.
    Changes! What changes?
    “I have decided that the number of employees has to be reduced to increase operational efficiency. You have fifteen days to present proposals for your respective departments and convince me that they make more sense than mine.”
    All heads turned towards me, looking surprised, as if I had something to do with it. They were stunned by the words they were hearing. I did not know what to tell them with my glances, since Medika had no vulnerabilities. The company’s financial standing was optimal.
On what basis does this damned bastard dare propose these changes if he’s only been at the helm for a week and doesn’t even know how to do his job properly?”
    “Let’s see Eliezer… First of all, when will we see your proposals?”
    The others turned their heads again and looked at their heartless and irrational boss. Eliezer stopped looking at the wall and turned to face me. With a look he told me that he knew very well what the purpose of my question was.
    “If you’ll allow me, International, I will present them next.”
    Those present looked at me again with the same astonished looks.
    “Miranda, or if you’re more comfortable, Wise.”
    “Yes, excuse me for making you feel uncomfortable. Anyway, don’t you manage that division?”
    The five seconds of silence that filled the room seemed like an eternity. That was his declaration of war. While the conflict was private, I could handle it, but now he made it public.
    “Then, I’ll continue…”
    He began a parade of proposals, whose goal, of course, was staff reduction.
    I could not say they were crazy proposals, because they weren’t. It just wasn’t the time to implement them. When necessary they could be carried out long term at companies with financial difficulties, but that was not the case with Medika. We had more than two hundred and fifty million dollars in cash flow, and in the last ten years, the business was growing in double digits. Changes were not needed at this time.
    I watched as each director’s made a face when they understood the impact the proposals would have in their respective areas. After Eliezer presented each proposal, the ones most affected searched my face, demanding help, hoping that, for the love of God, I would say something, but I wasn’t the person to whom they should be looking for refuge from the storm. When I heard what Eliezer would do with my division, I did not find anyone to look to for help.
    “Eliezer...” I interrupted.
    “Yes, Wise,” he responded, and apparently he could predict me, because he responded before I finished uttering his name.
    “It seems to me that the proposals would be relevant if we were in a difficult financial situation. That’s not the case. We have two-hundred fifty million in cash flow.”
    “Two-hundred forty-nine to be exact.” Surprising. So soon and the figures were already clear in his mind.
    “Then, what’s the purpose of these changes?”
    “As I mentioned a few minutes ago, efficiencies. Weren’t you paying attention?”
    If he thought he would do it, he was wrong. I wouldn’t let him ridicule me in front of my co-workers.
    “I think that before speaking of changes and efficiencies, you must first understand their potential impact in depth, and even more importantly, understand what we do.”
    “That won’t be necessary. I know enough to make these decisions. Besides, what are all of you here for? It’s the responsibility of each and every one of the directors present here to adapt their departments to the new reality.”
    True. Our responsibility was to adapt our department and make sure that we continue fulfilling our commitments and providing results. Even so, Eliezer was out of touch with reality, with the company’s mission, with its true reason for being.
    “Let’s say that my first action with this adaptation plan would be to extend an invitation to my boss to get to know the reality of my department. We

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