Miracle In March

Miracle In March by Juliet Madison

Book: Miracle In March by Juliet Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliet Madison
the woman for him. Never had been. Except for that one night when for a few hours the pain of losing Emma had been diluted and overpowered by the intense rush of lust and passion…
    â€˜C’mon, man, she’s gone. You’ve given it a few weeks, it’s time to move on.’
    Gary was right. If she’d wanted to change her mind she would have done it by now.
    â€˜Two nights in the city, you can crash at my place. A party is just what you need.’
    â€˜I’m not exactly in the partying mood, but okay. I’ll stay.’
    â€˜Once the crowd arrives you will be. Just like old times!’
    James sighed. Those old times felt so long ago, and to be honest, he didn’t know if he wanted anything resembling those days again. He’d grown up. He wanted more. But Gary was a permanent twenty-one-year-old in a thirty-something’s body.
    â€˜I’ll finish up at work and then I’ll head up. See you in a few hours.’
    He’d arrived to Gary’s inner city apartment with a bag of spare clothes, the most basic of toiletries, and a heavy heart that took all his effort to heave it up to the fifth floor. Dinner and drinks tonight, a harbour cruise tomorrow, and then Gary’s famous first-week-of-December Christmas party that had become an institution among his law friends.
    By the time Saturday night had rolled around, James had loosened up. It had been good to get away, if only for a couple of days, to give him a fresh perspective. And God knows he’d been burying himself in work since she’d left so he didn’t have to bury himself in the hurt. But if he kept going at this rate he’d burn out like a wildfire with no more ground to cover.
    After reminiscing with old friends, a few others arrived at Gary’s apartment to join the party. A colleague of Gary’s had brought a mate and his girlfriend who was a singer and actress. And the girlfriend had brought a friend.
    Also a singer and actress, she had just moved to Sydney to perform a major role in a musical that was starting in January.
    â€˜And you are?’ she’d asked, when he’d shaken her hand after Gary’s colleague introduced her and his girlfriend. Her green eyes were like emeralds, enticing him with a hypnotic sparkle. He wondered if they were coloured contact lenses, they were so bright.
    â€˜James.’ He offered a brief smile, not the slightest bit interested in flirting.
    â€˜I knew a James once,’ she said. ‘He wasn’t the nicest guy, but maybe you’ll change my opinion of the name after tonight.’ She winked, and James had resisted rolling his eyes. Great. A woman on the prowl. Just what ne needed, another potential heartbreak.
    But her charm and wit had gradually chipped away at his icy heart, as had the alcohol he’d been drinking, and she became interesting. And sexy. With a great dancer’s physique from years of ballet, she’d opted for musical theatre instead of dance, and her enthusiasm for her upcoming foray into show business was alluring.
    When half the partygoers had left, Gary promised he’d shout a round of drinks at the bar on the corner of his street, which had been the hub of many coming-of-age milestones during his university days. Karaoke dares, the-world-is-my-oyster business discussions, and the odd drunken kiss with random strangers.
    James, Stacey, Gary, along with his colleague and girlfriend took a seat at a low round table surrounded by lazy armchairs and a bench against the wall. Their discussions ranged from who made the best cocktails through to the potential for opening up a bar of their own one day to enjoy in their retirement. Stacey and her friend Belinda talked about their theatre training and experiences, and even did a little duet, while a small crowd had formed around them. Her voice was delicious. James found himself increasingly attracted to her beauty and talent and drive. He had that

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