Midsummer Heat

Midsummer Heat by Mina Carter

Book: Midsummer Heat by Mina Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter
Tags: Erotic Romance
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licking at his face.
    Anything to get his attention on her and off the younger wolf, or there would be bloodshed tonight. As big as he’d gotten now he was an adult, Kyle was no match for Max in a straight fight. He had to know that but he growled back anyway.
    She shot Kyle a warning look, feeling the tension rolling through Max’s body against hers. He shifted slightly as she pressed him back but stood his ground, the snarl getting deeper and louder as Kyle refused to back down.
    At a loss for what to do with two mule-headed males intent on fighting each other, Kelli did the only thing she could. Gathering power in her smaller frame she stepped away then shoved back into Max. Hard. The bigger wolf swayed to the side, taking a small half-step for balance at the small attack. The snarl stopped but she didn’t. Launching herself forward, she nipped at Max’s heels.
    Then ran.
    She ran like the hounds of hell themselves were following her, all the while hoping that she hadn’t read the situation wrong and left Kyle to face an enraged alpha on his own. But, she knew Max. He wasn’t the kind of alpha who would beat up on one of the pack just for the hell of it, or because he’d been playing chase with a female like a cub, even if that female was Max’s mate. Well, soon to be mate. He had to follow and claim her for that. If he followed her.
    Not hearing the sounds of pursuit, she slowed from her sprint to a run, then a jog and finally pulled to a stop. Ears up, she listened. There was nothing. Just the sounds of the night-darkened forest around her. No snarling and howls of anger or pain as he and Kyle went head to head, nor the sound of him crashing through the trees after her.
    Brows furrowing, she stopped in the middle of a moonlit clearing. Something was wrong. Dread hit her deep in her chest. What if he’d killed Kyle? Her knees wobbled, suddenly weak as she turned to go back the way she’d come. If he had killed the younger wolf over their game, she’d never forgive herself, or him. He really wasn’t the kind of man she thought he was if he could do something like that.
    She didn’t get more than three steps before something huge and furry barreled out of the trees ahead. Yipping in surprise she wheeled around and tried to run but she was too late. Within a heartbeat his breath was hot on the back of her neck as he ran her down. Using his greater bodyweight, he took her off her feet, the two of them rolling and tumbling across the soft grass between the trees. At some point his change triggered hers so by the time they stopped, they were both in human form and as naked as the day they’d been born.
    Expression just this side of feral, Max looped his hands around her wrists and dragged them above her head, pinning her to the ground beneath his harder body. Her heart-rate doubled, no trebled at the feeling of his hard body pressed against hers. Automatically hers softened, wet heat slipping from her channel to scent the air around them with her arousal. His eyes darkened, a rumble of approval in the back of his throat as he leaned down to press a kiss to the side of her throat. Right over the point he’d bite to mark her.
    Her moan was instinctive and primal as she arched against him. She wanted him to bite her, complete the ritual and claim her as his own, but she couldn’t give into those desires yet. Not until she was sure he hadn’t hurt Kyle. Her eyes searched his face, then his shoulders. He hadn’t smelled of blood before he’d changed and she couldn’t see any now.
    “Is he… You didn’t hurt him, did you?” she whispered, her human voice seeming loud and out of place here in the wild. “We were only playing.”
    “What do you think I am?”
    He looked down at her, his expression serious but amusement lurking in his eyes. The moon above bathed him in shades of silver and grey, the amber of his eyes rendered monotone. His wolf still rode him, especially with the midsummer moon so high, but she

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