Michelle: Bride of Mississippi (American Mail-Order Bride 20)
    Michelle’s eyes grew wide and she looked at Anthony. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes closed.
    Her heart warmed at the thought, and she envisioned the young lady they’d taken home earlier, certain that there would be no presents for her children. “That’s a very, very kind thing for you to do.”
    “It’s a tradition,” she said.
    “May we please be excused?” Mattie said as she set her napkin beside her plate.
    Anthony ran his hand through his hair. “That’s fine, girls. Why don’t you run upstairs and get ready for bed.” He smiled, but Michelle thought it wasn’t quite a happy smile.
    They both watched in silence as the girls carry their plates into the kitchen, then bustle upstairs.
    “Would you like to sit in the parlor?” Anthony said as he pushed back from the table. “The fire’s still warm.”
    Michelle stood as he pulled her chair out for her. He extended his arm and she felt that warm buzz as she placed hers through his.
    “It’s awfully cold. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised since it’s getting near Christmas,” he said as he sat close to the fire, gesturing for her to join him.
    She looked up as Missy ran down the stairs, a stuffed doll in her arms and Mattie right behind her. Anthony held his arms out as she scrambled on his laps, doll clutched tightly in her arms.
    “I see you’ve got Mrs. Clementine with you,” Anthony said as he brushed a lock of hair from Missy’s face.
    Michelle’s heart tugged, seeing him so tender with his nieces. She stiffened, her growing feelings for him surprising her. She almost felt like a family, the four of them by the fire, and wished it were so.
    “Of course she does,” Mattie said as she stood by Michelle. “It’s bedtime. She always has Mrs. Clementine.”
    Michelle stroked Mattie’s hair as she reached out for the doll, whose eyes must have once been buttons that had since fallen off. “Can I see Mrs. Clementine for a moment?”
    Missy gingery held the doll out toward Michelle, her brows drawn together.
    “Do you think you could sleep without her for a night?” Michelle smoothed out the tangled yarn on top of the doll’s head. Mrs. Clementine had obviously been well loved for a very long time.
    “Maybe. Why?” Missy squinted at Michelle, her face worried.
    Michelle smiled at her reassuringly. “If you let me, I’ll fix her dress.”
    Missy’s eyes widened and she smiled. She jumped off Anthony’s lap and ran to Michelle, throwing her arms around her in a hug. “Thank you. I’ve been so worried about her getting cold since her dress is ripped.”
    Mattie groaned and pulled away from Michelle. “Dolls don’t get cold, Missy.”
    Missy folded her arms over her chest and said, “How do you know?”
    Anthony laughed and clapped his hands. “All right, time for bed. I’ll read you a book, and the first one upstairs gets to choose.”
    The girls squealed and raced upstairs. Anthony laughed and stood. “I’ll be right back,” he said.
    Michelle’s heart tugged as she listened to the girls’ giggles. It seemed that things were going well in the Chandler household. Her household.
    She stood and reached for her sewing bag, and by the time Anthony had returned, Mrs. Clementine had not only a repaired dress, but two shiny new eyes and her hair tied back in a bright, red bow.
    She held it up to Anthony when he sat back down, appreciating his nod of approval. “That’s wonderful. Missy will be thrilled. You’re very talented, and it appears that Mrs. Clementine will no longer be cold.
    Michelle laughed as she packed up her needle and thread and placed them with alongside the thimble in her bag.
    “It is awfully cold. You said so yourself,” she teased. She sat back in her chair, the doll resting in her lap as she remembered the young woman earlier. “I was so glad to be able to take the young mother and her baby home today. I’m sorry you had to walk on your own,” she said as she

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