and taken the tapes. Too bad Court and McGregor hadn’t told her to plant the bugs while she was here the last time. Oh well. That was the breaks.
Once she was inside, she wasted no time. She put bugs in the bedroom and between the kitchen and living room areas. That should cover it. The place was small. She took another quick look around since she was there. Who knows? Another tape could be lying about for her to pick up. She didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
She finished and gave another fast look around in case anything jumped up and bit her. She opened the door, took a quick look out in the hallway, and stepped out. She had just finished relocking the last of the three locks when Maggie Sexton came around the corner. Her tote bag bulged with groceries, and a baguette of French bread was sticking out the top. Her head was down as she fished in her handbag for her keys.
Cassandra gave a silent sigh of relief as she sauntered past Maggie to the stairs and headed down. She kept her face turned away and made tracks. She was out the front door and around the corner headed for the subway within two minutes. She doubted Maggie had had time to put her bags down in the hallway and unlock the three locks before she was out of the building and down the street. That was close. Too close.
Cassandra’s heart was beating a mile a minute. She scampered down the subway stairs and stood on the platform waiting for the next train. When she was finally sitting in a subway car, she began to relax. Holy shit! That was close. Hi, there. Don’t mind me. I’m just planting some bugs in your apartment and BTW I broke in here yesterday and stole your blackmail tapes . Yikes! This was more excitement that she was ready for.
Chapter Ten
In the Cavanaugh suite at The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Wednesday afternoon, December 30, 2015
Dillon had managed to book a nonstop flight from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale, which was amazing given that it was the middle of the holiday season. Once they had returned to their suite at The Black Dahlia Hotel, Dillon took her into his arms for a deep kiss and a tight hug. He knew she was still on edge from her telephone confrontation with Maggie. He wished he could just absorb her nerves into his own body.
“Baby, why don’t you go down to the beach and get some sun while I go talk to Jamie Devereau and Dane Dunross?” He needed to vent, and he didn’t want to use Mikaela as a sounding board. She had enough on her mind as it was.
“Good idea. I could use some time listening to the waves and soaking up the sun. Maybe it will help me settle down. You know, nothing happened on the phone call, but it really upset my apple cart just hearing her voice.”
“I know, Mikki. Just knowing what you know and having to deal with her is a lot to stomach. Try to let it go. I’ll catch up with you in a while and we can decide what to do for dinner. The cruise starts tomorrow afternoon. You can think about what you want to take and if you need anything else for the trip. That big mall is right down Sunrise Boulevard if you need something.”
“Okay. See you later, Dilly.”
Dillon walked into the admin offices and found Dane Dunross getting a cup of coffee. He looked pissed. “Hey, Dane. What’s up?”
“Nothing. Old business. How are you guys?”
“I was going to use you and Jamie as a sounding board. Mikaela called Maggie just to have a holiday chat and see what she had to say, if anything. She sounded upset. Her computer had crashed. Imagine that. She was planning to make an insurance claim for the laptop since her apartment had been broken in to and some of her stuff was taken. It sounded like she might have discovered the tape and DVD were gone.”
“I know that’s the first thing I would check.”
“That’s what I told Mikki. Anyway, we don’t know what to do from here. Just wait the week and see if she posts anything? Confront her and let her know we’re
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Sasha Faulks