MFU Whitman - The Affair of the Gentle Saboteur

MFU Whitman - The Affair of the Gentle Saboteur by Brandon Keith Page B

Book: MFU Whitman - The Affair of the Gentle Saboteur by Brandon Keith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandon Keith
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moving his head slightly, arranging the line of vision.
    "I'm waiting, Mr. Solo."
    "As you wish."
    His right hand came up like a salute to the right temple of the glasses, his index finger pressed to the hidden spring, and a tiny dart was released. A slender streak gleamed in the sunshine. Suddenly she was rigid, her eyes round in wonder; then she hung limp in the window, unconscious. The gun slipped from her hand and soundlessly met the sand.
    It was over. It was ended.
    Solo sighed and went back through the house and the long way over the pebbled road to McNabb and the many men now gathered.

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