Merry Ex-Mas
course, the major reason for that had to do with nature — Sabrina looked like she was minutes away from giving birth — everything from her face to her feet was swollen. But still, I was going to claim the victory any way I could get it.
    "Yeah, you look really good," Anthony emphasized as if he wanted to make sure I'd heard him.
    "You do look good," Sabrina said, closing the gap between her and her husband. She hooked her arm through Anthony's. "Dad's told us that you were doing well. And your business was, too. I hear women talking about The Women's Place everywhere I go." She paused and added. "I refer a lot of women there … to you … "
    Sabrina left those words hanging in the air and I wondered what my sister wanted me to say. Thank you? It was difficult for me to give Sabrina any kind of thanks for anything while she was standing there holding onto Anthony.
    So, I said nothing and motioned for Anthony and Sabrina to sit down. I directed them as if I was in charge, as if this were my place.
    Anthony grabbed his shopping bags with gift-wrapped packages peeking over the top and shoved the bags under the tree. Then, in two seconds flat, he was back at Sabrina's side, helping her settle onto the sofa.
    I snuggled into the worn chair across from them and studied the couple: how Anthony piled the pillows behind Sabrina's back and then waited until she nodded before he sat down.
    For just an instant, I wondered how this scene would have played out if it were me and Anthony? I probably would have swatted him away — all that fussing over me when I could take care of myself.
    But Sabrina seemed to relish it. And when Anthony sat down, he sat so close their bodies were almost one. Sabrina reached for his hand, and they held each other.
    Now, I tried to imagine me sitting there with Anthony, but the only images that I could conjure up in my mind were me and Anthony in a boardroom. Truly, those were the only dreams I'd ever had for the two of us.
    "So, Sabrina's right," Anthony said. "Dad has been keeping us abreast of all that's been going on with you."
    My glance went right back to Sabrina's belly. "Well, he hasn't told me much about you two."
    "That's because I felt that was something your sister should tell you."
    The three of us looked up.
    "Hi, Daddy!" Sabrina exclaimed, then moved as if she wanted to jump up. But she didn't make it all the way to her feet until Anthony stood beside her and hoisted her up. Then she rushed to our father, as if she'd never been so happy to see him.
    I knew that my sister's enthusiasm wasn't just about greeting Dad on Christmas. Sabrina was probably just thrilled to have another ally in the room. That would make it three against one — to Sabrina, those odds were much more even.
    Sabrina and Anthony greeted Dad, and I took in the laughter of the three as they exchanged Christmas good wishes, and hugs, and kisses. My father did a little quick boxing move with Anthony, and I marveled at just how effortlessly they moved together. Just like I did with him.
    Of course, I knew that my father saw Sabrina and Anthony on the regular, but it wasn't until now that I thought about the three of them together. My dad had this whole other life with my sister. A life that included dinners and outings, birthdays and holidays. A life that was shared by a family. A life without me.
    I wasn't complaining; this had been my choice. But all this time, I'd kinda believed that I was my father's only light. Clearly, though, I wasn't my father's only love.
    Was that where the tug on my heart was coming from? Suddenly, I had this feeling that I'd missed out on so much.
    "Okay, let's get you back on the couch," my dad said, finally breaking up their little family moment.
    He reached for Sabrina's elbow, and my sister laughed. "Daddy, I'm just pregnant. You're treating me like I can't do anything."
    "I don't care what you say," my dad said. "We're talking 'bout my first grandbaby here."
    His words brought another tug to

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