Melody (THE LOGAN FAMILY) by Stacy-Deanne

Book: Melody (THE LOGAN FAMILY) by Stacy-Deanne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy-Deanne
been out of town again that week. Aileen didn’t hesitate calling Melody when her water broke. In her own words, Aileen had refused to ride in some “tacky” cab to go to the hospital. Even in labor, Aileen could be a hoot.
    Melody had also been the first, besides Aileen, to hold Danielle. In return, she’d been named Danielle’s godmother. Melody cherished the title, and she hoped she could live up to it, if need be.
    Melody reached the driveway. She stared at Aileen’s white two-story house. The front door was open. All of the homes in this neighborhood looked the same. To make matters worse, the residents’ addresses weren’t visible on the curbs. Melody always looked for Aileen’s immaculate little garden to make sure she had the right home. A tin watering pail sat lopsided on the porch.
    Water dribbled from the garden hose in the yard. Melody didn’t like this scene. Aileen never left the door open, and she never left the garden hose out. She never left her pail on the porch. Aileen always kept everything in order. She always reprimanded Melody for leaving things in disarray. No, something definitely wasn’t right.
    Melody eased from her jeep as she looked next door. Even Aileen’s nosy old neighbor wasn’t outside. Melody couldn’t remember a day when the elderly lady hadn’t been on her porch. She crept to Aileen’s door. She felt a chill when she walked inside. She saw the light from the kitchen.
    She heard a noise in the back hallway leading toward the bedrooms. Melody took a deep breath. She called out Aileen’s name, yet didn’t receive an answer. She shouted at the top of her lungs. She checked the kitchen, den, living room and master bedroom. She ran to the phone in the den. Before she could dial 911, someone touched her from behind.
    “Ahhhhhh!” Melody fell on top of the small desk. Aileen tumbled over her. “Ahhhh!” Melody waved her arms for dear life.
    “Mel!” Aileen hollered. Melody’s eyes settled on Aileen’s brown pupils. Aileen shook her head. “I won’t even ask.” She stood. She brushed dust from her denim shorts. Her thin T-shirt fell damply against her dark skin. Her hands were covered in yellow gardening gloves.
    “Oh God,” Melody panted. “Oh, Leen.” She stood. “I thought…I thought you…oh God, I’m glad you’re okay.” She hugged her.
    “I know what you thought.” Aileen shook her head.
    “Oh, Leen, I was so scared! Do you know how I felt coming here and seeing the door open like that? I yelled for you and you didn’t say anything! I was about to call 9-1-1.”
    Aileen walled her eyes. “Yeah, well, I don’t think they’ll find a black woman gardening at home that serious, Mel.”
    Melody sighed. “Leen, I thought maybe the rapist had…” She looked at the walls. “What’s wrong with me? Why am I so damn scared all the time?”
    “Mel, I was in the closet getting some shears.” Aileen pointed to the tools on the floor. “I didn’t answer because I had my headphones on and I didn’t hear you at first. When I heard someone walking around in my house, I ran out to see what the hell was going on.” Aileen’s fluffy ponytail bobbed. “Well, I could use some explanation, Mel.”
    “Aileen, how could you leave your door opened like that with that rapist out there?”
    “Here we go.” She went into the kitchen. Melody traipsed in behind her. Aileen grabbed a can of grape soda from the refrigerator. “Melody, I don’t want to hear one word about that rapist.”
    “But Leen, I…” Melody sat at the table.
    “Not one word, Mel. I can’t live like this. If it’s not Jonovan on my back about being careful, it’s my mother, or you. I’m fine. You’re the one who looked like she had a meeting with a train wreck.”
    “I just got so scared. Leen, you gotta be more careful. This man is a monster. Did you see what he did to that last lady he raped? He beat her in the eye with a lamp, Leen. You saw her on the news! He practically caved in

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