Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)

Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Page B

Book: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
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raindrop shapes around her eyes in black and somehow he’s managed to colour them in. How he did that in the darkness is incredible, it’s a little smudged but that’s most likely from moving around in her sleep. It’s the mouth that is the funniest. He’s drawn a full blown smile across her mouth in red and even in a temper she looks as happy as Larry.
    Max starts laughing like a hyena and Kayla and Myles turn to glare at him. My laughing soon stops, not wanting to be on the receiving end of their glares.
    “I’m going to get a drink and then I’m leaving,’’ Kayla snaps at us all before storming off into the kitchen.
    “What did you do?’’ Myles grits out the second Kayla is hidden from view. His eyes are hard and completely focused on Max, his look deadly and ready to strike.
    “Me? Nothing. What did you do?’’
    Myles sighs looking at his brother for any indication that he’s lying. When he can’t figure him out he turns to me, but I just hold my hands up, palms facing him, and back away without saying a word.
    Kayla walks in still looking as happy as can be, her eyes narrowing on Myles. “I’m going home; I don’t think I’ll be back later,’’ she tells him shortly, storming off. Myles follows her, but she turns back around quickly, stopping him and giving him a sad expression. “Myles, I’m supposed to be storming off, I can’t do that if you’re following me,’’ she sighs.
    He nods, his head letting her go and once again she turns around squaring her shoulders before storming out of the house. Myles looks confused once again as he watches the now closed door.
    “Is it bad I’m wondering if she still made me lunch?’’ Myles asks before shaking his head.  “Never mind. Oh and Max, if I find out you had anything to do with this I’ll pay you back.’’
    Max grins. “Now, now, Myles, you don’t want to go playing around with Karma now do you? You know how much of a bitch she can be,’’ he winks before heading into the kitchen. I follow a few seconds later, wondering why there isn’t a full blown punch out.
    This family is so freaking weird.
    If I had done something like that to my brother he’d go ape shit right there and then and cause a massive riot.
    Then again, with the strength and love this family have for each other, nothing should surprise me.
    Walking into the kitchen I’m surprised by the mess. Chippy wrappers are littering the sides along with other bits and bobs, the sink is piled up with dishes and I’m pretty sure the bin needed emptying last week.
    “I take it Joan didn’t get around to the kitchen?’’ I ask, peeling a wrapper away from the stool.
    “Yeah, she did it yesterday morning. This is from last night,’’ he says, absentmindedly looking into the fridge. He starts shoving things around before grabbing the loaf of bread out of the bread bin and I watch disgusted as he makes a jam sandwich. No one should be forced to eat jam, especially on a sandwich. I used to hate it when the school dinner ladies made us eat them.
    Opening my mouth to give him shit, I watch as he shoves the sandwich into a container before throwing it into the fridge. He then continues to throw a foiled – what looks like a baguette – under the sink. I’m stunned to silence then watch as Myles rushes in freshly showered and dressed.
    “You could have told me it was half ten, dickhead. I’m late,’’ Myles snaps at Max.
    “You’re pregnant?’’ Max gasps wide-eyed but an unamused Myles ignores him, heading over to the fridge.
    “Shit. Max, I’m going to make you pay for doing what you did. I know it was you. Call it twin intuition or just common fucking sense but I know you did that to Kayla and now I’m the one paying for it. She switched my sandwich to jam,’’ he moans, slamming his head against the closed fridge door.
    “Your girlfriend makes you sandwiches?’’ I ask shocked. They’re like a married couple. Jesus! They’re barely out of

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