Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4)

Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Page A

Book: Max (A Carter Brother series Book 4) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
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“My brothers think I don’t remember much from our childhood, but I do. I remember most of it and all of it was bad. My dad wasn’t a good person, neither of my parents were. But somehow we managed,’’ he sighs, running his hands down his face. I’m completely stunned by his admission. I’m not sure what I expected him to say, but that wasn’t it. “I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. I guess I just want you to know I understand. I know I’ve asked you before, but who spills all their secrets when just meeting someone? Plus, I wasn’t lying when I told you we all have experience in this shit.’’
    “Max,’’ I start, wanting to assure him, but he holds his hand up stopping me.
    “Don’t lie, please, just don’t lie. No one can hurt you here.’’
    I look at him with a sad smile. “That’s not true. What if the person you’re running from is yourself? What if the person that can hurt you is no one other than yourself? Not everything is black and white, Max. My parents are great people. The best parents a child could wish for.’’
    “No need to rub it in,’’ he teases, lightening the mood.
    I chuckle, not taking my eyes from him. “Seriously, though, my parents are great. The only mistake they’ve ever made was ever having me,’’ I tell him, not meaning for the truth to slip out. As soon as the words leave my mouth I know there’s no way to take them back.
    This is the first moment since running away that I’ve desired to tell someone. But I know as soon as the truth about what I did leaves my mouth, I’ll have no one. And as much as I promised myself I’d make myself suffer for what I did, I still yearn for that warm touch, for that love blanketing me. And I know in an instant of telling the Carters and their family, I’ll lose every single one of them.
    “I don’t believe that for a second. How could you be anyone’s mistake?’’
    Tell that to my brother who is now 6ft under, I whisper to myself. I shrug not knowing what to say or wanting to answer him, scared I’ll reveal more than I intend to.
    “Enough of the depressing anyway, I could just go listen to Myles talk about college for that shit. Tell me, you ever had an orgasm?’’ he teases, lying back on the bed with a cocky grin on his face. I follow, lying down next to him and just laugh at him, the earlier tension easing from my body.
    “By myself or someone else?’’ I ask teasing him back.
    That’s how we fall asleep, talking about nothing important and getting to know each other. It turns out the arrogant boy has more to him than just his muscles and looks.

    The sound of someone letting one rip jolts me awake. I roll over, glaring at a sleeping Max. He’s lying flat on his back again, although, this time he’s got one hand down his boxers and one on his bare chest.
    That’s when the smell catches up with me and I begin to gag, pushing Max off the bed. He falls with a loud thump before jumping to his feet in fright.
    “What? Where did he go?’’ he shouts, looking around the room with an alarmed expression. I cover my mouth to smother the giggle. He’s shirtless, standing in Bart Simpson boxer shorts, hair looking like he’s been electrocuted and wearing the most adorable facial expression I’ve ever seen on him.
    I’m about to fake waking up when a loud scream comes from down the hall, scaring me half to death.
    “Myles, how could you?’’ Kayla screams, her voice full of sadness and anger. Her raised voice is followed by heavy footsteps stomping down the stairs.
    Max and I look to each other before jumping off the bed and running down the hall and down the stairs to where they’ve stormed off to.
    “How could you do this? I’ve got an interview later on and I can’t go looking like The Bride of Chucky,’’ Kayla cries.
    I turn the corner just in time to see Max’s handy work. Laughter erupts from my mouth before I have a chance to cover it. Max has drawn

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