Mathilde 02 - The Poison Maiden

Mathilde 02 - The Poison Maiden by Paul Doherty Page A

Book: Mathilde 02 - The Poison Maiden by Paul Doherty Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Doherty
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demoiselle , venimeuse , ageant , grande , damage , parmi , seigneurs ’, employa , ombres , Jean , Haute , Mont , ‘ a ’, verité , Secrète , Solomon , Annonciation .
    ‘The emphasis is mine,’ Gaveston explained, ‘a code Pax-Bread and I often used. Put these words together and Pax-Bread is advising us to be aware that the Poison Maiden will do great damage amongst the Lords.’
    ‘ Les ombres , the shadows?’ I asked.
    ‘More precisely,’ Edward intervened, ‘they like to be called Tenebrae – the Darkness: that’s the Latin translation. They are professional assassins skulking in London, one of the more vicious gangs that can be hired by the city fathers to settle grudges with each other.’
    ‘And Pax-Bread is claiming the Poison Maiden will use these?’
    ‘Of course.’
    ‘Against whom?’
    Gaveston coughed and stared full at me.
    ‘You, my lord,’ I breathed. ‘Yes, that would be logical. If your opponents took up arms, they could be called traitors, but an attempt on you by some secret, silent assassin couldn’t be laid at their door.’
    ‘We should move,’ Isabella declared, ‘not stay here.’
    ‘Not yet.’ Gaveston held up a hand. ‘The palace is secure, Burgundy Hall even more so. This game has to be played out. You understand that? The problem is to be dealt with immediately. To retreat now would mean defeat. The king must show he is master in his own home.’ Gaveston spread his hands. ‘Westminster is the royal palace, its abbey the royal mausoleum. If he cannot rule here, where else?’
    ‘And the other references, such as Solomon and the Annunciation?’
    ‘The Secret of Solomon is a tavern in an alleyway off Cheapside. Pax-Bread is saying he’ll be there today, the Feast of the Annunciation. Mathilde,’ Gaveston breathed out noisily, ‘royal messengers are watched; Isabella’s household not so closely. After all, her grace,’ he pulled a face, ‘is supposed to detest me as much as Winchelsea does. You, Mathilde, can be trusted. We want you to meet Pax-Bread at the Secret of Solomon.’ He smiled lazily. ‘Demontaigu, the queen’s clerk, can go with you. He is acceptable, yes?’
    I stared back, determined not to blush or be disconcerted. ‘Anyway,’ Gaveston plucked a sweetmeat from the dish, ‘you can go and discover what Pax-Bread really knows.’ He fished in his wallet and slipped across an impression of his seal. ‘Show him that; he will trust you.’
    ‘When, my lord?’
    ‘When I am finished.’
    ‘My lord,’ I was determined to question those other items mentioned in Pax-Bread’ s letter, ‘ Jean Haute Mont à la verité – John High Mountain has the truth. What does that mean?’
    Gaveston shook his head. ‘I cannot tell you, Mathilde; Pax-Bread will. Now Chapeleys? Her grace has told us already, but you must relate everything that happened.’
    I did so. Edward and Gaveston heard me out. The favourite kept still, now and again staring up at the rafters as if weighing the worth of what I said. I also described the murder of Rebecca Atte-Stowe and my faint suspicion that her death was part of the mystery surrounding Chapeleys’ murder. At the mention of Robert’s attack on Ingleram Berenger and my plea that the king should show mercy, Edward raised a hand.
    ‘Undoubtedly Chapeleys’ death is most regrettable. He apparently had something to say. However, unbeknown to you, Mathilde, he had already written to me, asking to be relieved of his duties at the Tower. He declared that he was innocent of any charges and asked why he had been punished along with Langton. He then made the most surprising confession: that Langton had hinted at the true identity of the Poison Maiden.’ Edward paused for effect.
    ‘Who, my lord?’
    ‘Me,’ declared Gaveston, his face hard and humourless. ‘According to Langton, I am Philip’s creature, planted at the heart of my lord’s affections to wreak hideous damage.’ He forced his voice to remain calm. ‘I

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