Mate of the Dragon

Mate of the Dragon by Harmony Raines Page B

Book: Mate of the Dragon by Harmony Raines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harmony Raines
Tags: General Fiction
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would have to sit up and take notice of her if she was capable of destroying him.
    This knowledge made her feel weak, like a pathetic, lovelorn fool.
    As she turned to face him, to reluctantly tell him she would find the time if it was that important, she hoped he couldn’t see that to win the love and respect of the great Dragon Lord, she would trade her soul.
    Or maybe he did see it and that was why he kept his distance.
    “Dòmhnall, if you wish me to go with you, I will. I won’t lie and tell you their magic doesn’t fascinate me, but that is not the reason I am agreeing to go. Nor is it because the dryads have requested our presence.” She took a deep breath. Sometimes she was as fed up of these little games they played, scoring points off each other, as he must be. “I will go because you want me to. No other reason.”
    His eyes narrowed. She hated the way he was always trying to tell if she was manipulating him. But she could understand why. Because manipulating people was what she had been doing her whole life.

Chapter Two – Dòmhnall
    She drove him to despair, and distraction: hell, sometimes she drove him so close to his own destruction he could feel the lifeblood in him trickling away. And that scared him, that a woman, his woman , could make him feel like this. He wanted to claim her and banish her from his sight, all in one heartbeat.
    “Thank you, Tara,” he said, his mind racing through all the reasons she might have to say that to him. As usual, he settled on the one reason why Tara normally did anything: there was something in it for her. The dryads didn’t appear for just anyone; you could walk the forest of Spellholm your whole life and never see one. Being invited there was a great honour, something that worried him almost as much as Tara saying she was going there for him.
    Devious women, especially those who used magic. After a witch had stolen his heart stone several centuries ago, he had struggled to trust a witch or anyone else, really. Only the other dragons in the Stronghold had his trust, but they had sworn a blood oath to him, so he didn’t have to rely on his own judgement as to where their loyalties lay.
    “When do we leave?” Tara asked.
    “At dusk.”
    “Dusk?” she asked. “Why dusk? It is a full moon tonight. I should be celebrating with a ritual, not gallivanting around on the back of a dragon.”
    Or I could claim you on the Moon Altar so that we can make a child, an heir to the Stronghold . Right now that seemed so appealing. Damn, it was near impossible not to give into the urge to take her right now.
    He came closer to her, and he saw how her body reacted to him. She wanted him; he had smelt her sweet-scented arousal when he entered the room. Now her body sent out signals, telling him how much she wanted him. Her pupils were slightly dilated; she continually licked her lips as if she could feel his upon them; and her breasts were swollen with desire, her nipples hard buds of need.
    “Don’t play with me, Tara, I know how much you love to spread your thighs and ride me. What greater power is there than to be astride a dragon’s broad back.” His lips were close to hers, she flicked her eyes down to them and there was the tip of her tongue once more, moistening her lower lip, waiting for him to kiss her. And the temptation was incredible. Only once before had he allowed himself to give in to his desire for her; he could still taste that one kiss. And now it took a sustained effort to not take her to his bed and fill her with his cock.
    In fact, if she had his senses, she might be able to tell he was just as turned on as she was. If not more. “I will meet you in the courtyard at dusk, it is only a short flight. I look forward to our evening together, Tara.”
    Then he turned and swept out of the room, sensing her waver, her knees so weak she had to place her hand on the desk to steady herself. Maybe he could conquer her after all; maybe tonight after they had

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