Master for Tonight
fell asleep in seconds, comforted at knowing
he would return to her side to hold her close and keep her

Chapter 9
    After starting the linens in the wash,
Julian walked out the back door to gather his wet pants and shirt
with a beaming smile on his face. His love was inside, waiting for
him to crawl back into bed with her and hold her throughout what
was left of the night, just as he had dreamed of doing so many
nights in the past. He could barely contain his joy.
    “Don’t you just look the picture, now?” a
perfume-laden voice inquired, shattering the silence of the night,
and shaking Julian to his core. His Maker was standing, angry eyes
blazing, under Kate’s window. She held his wrinkled, wet clothes
out from her on her fingertips, taunting him to come closer to her
to get them.
    After wiping his expression clean and trying
to appear much calmer than his quaking insides felt, he placed his
hands on his hips. Affecting a bored sound, he replied, “What are
you doing here, Evangeline?” He hoped like hell she kept her voice
down, so Kate wouldn’t hear them.
    “What am I doing here,
Julian? What an odd question,” she said, looking at his nakedness.
“What are you doing here with that human woman? What have you been doing,
    “Go home, Evangeline. I’ll be there in a few
minutes. This is nothing. Just a fuck, and a lousy one, at that.
You and I never said we were monogamous. I know for certain, you
aren’t, not like I care.” He grabbed his clothes and threw them
    He did not want her eyes on him, getting
some ideas about fucking him. Evangeline looked at him, her brain
in a red whirl, thinking over his words and what he was saying, and
also what he wasn’t.
    “A boring fuck, huh? Interesting. We’re not
done. Not by a long shot, lover.”
    She looked him up and down with a smile. She
moved closer to Julian until they were nose to nose, and when she
spoke, her tone was poisonous, as she ran her red-tipped finger
over his bottom lip. “You think your little secret is safe, but she
isn’t, Julian. I’m not stupid.”
    Desperate to get away from her, yet standing
resolute, not showing any emotion other than disgust, he spat his
words out at her, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Just go
and take your delusions with you.”
    He hoped that his dismissing tone would prod
her into leaving. She could take out her anger on him once he was
away from Kate.
    Julian knew Evangeline would be merciless at
what she would see as his betrayal of her, although he had never
professed any emotions towards her other than revulsion. She could
do whatever she pleased to him. He didn’t care. But she would not
harm Kate. Julian would protect and defend Kate with his entire
being, not caring if he met his ultimate demise in the process.
    Evangeline glared at him. “I saw and heard
everything, Julian. Everything. Finish up whatever you’re doing
here and come home to me.” She pressed her lips against his in a
kiss that was not returned.
    After wrapping her arms around his neck, she
leaned her head against his chest, “Do you want to know why I’m
leaving so easily, lover? I’ll tell you. You know what I want from
you, Julian, and you’ve just given me the ultimate bargaining chip
to make it happen. You can’t run from me anymore.”
    Poking her claw-like nail into his chest,
she said, “Make sure she doesn’t remember you, Julian. If she does,
I will come back and kill her. You know I will, and I know you
don’t want that. Do you? You think you have feelings for her, but
you don’t. You have no feelings for her at all. Do you hear me? All
you did was have a bit of fun with the woman, but that’s all it
was, Julian. Do you understand me? Don’t forget who you belong to.
You belong to me. You always have and you always will.” She
seethed, leaving.
    Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Julian thought, scrubbing his lips with the back
of his hand and spitting, for added measure.
    He had covered his

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