Master for Tonight

Master for Tonight by Elaine Barris Page B

Book: Master for Tonight by Elaine Barris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elaine Barris
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Paranormal, vampire, Alpha
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from her unblinking eyes. Her bottom lip trembled as she
denied the words he said and battled his influence into her
    His eyes flamed brighter. “Obey me. You will
obey me in this. You will think this was a dream when you remember
it. A dream you had after reading and pleasuring yourself. Do you
understand? Answer me. Now.”
    He cringed at how his voice sounded, hating
the tone he was forced to use on her.
    A violent spasm went through her body as her
mind was forced to accept his command.
    “Yes,” she whispered back to him with glassy
    “Sleep. Now.” His final order.
    Kate closed her eyes, hot tears streaming
into her pillow, as she shook with silent sobs racking her body.
Her hands clutched at him, bunching his dirty and demolished shirt
into her fists. Her hold on him was like steel in her efforts to
keep him by her side. Her voice began a low wail, the tenor of
absolute devastation and grief.
    Julian unclenched her fists from his shirt,
pushed her hands away from him, his misery immeasurable. He left
the bed and walked out of the bedroom, belonging to the only woman
he ever loved. He went down the stairs, and out her front door, to
return to his real home—Hell.

Chapter 10
    Kate’s swollen eyes opened painfully, and
she lay in the bed shivering, staring up at the ceiling, consumed
in a feeling of total desolation. The ceiling fan twirled above her
as tears again trailed out from her eyes, into the pillow that was
already soaked in her sorrow. Pulling the sheet up to her eyes and
clenching it in her fists, she cried in mourning, not knowing why
or for whom she grieved so deeply. She curled up into a fetal
position and wrapped her arms around her knees.
    As her wails began to lessen, shudders
continued to run through her. The sinus drainage caught in her
throat and she coughed, jerking up to sitting, trying to stop the
choking as she hit her chest with her fist.
    Kate’s stomach lurched with nausea, and she
pushed herself out of bed, stumbling and weaving, foot over foot,
to her bathroom. Her body slammed hard against the bathroom door as
she struggled to the toilet and clutched the rim with her hands.
Stomach heaving, she leaned over the bowl, retching repeatedly,
with nothing coming up her throat except putrid, burning acid that
she spat into the water.
    “What is happening to me?” she screeched
out, distressed, grabbing toilet paper to wipe her tearing eyes and
watering mouth. Spitting one last time into the bowl, she wiped her
mouth again and flushed the soiled paper away.
    Kate stood and braced herself with her hands
against the wall and closed her eyes for a few minutes, waiting for
the dizziness to pass. Shaking her head from side to side, she
tried to think of the last thing she remembered happening. Wine.
She remembered drinking some wine. Reading, that too, she
remembered. That was all. Her mind was blank beyond those two
things, while the soreness in her breasts and between her legs told
a vivid story she tried desperately to ignore.
    Had she gone to bed feeling
ill from the wine? No! Her mind shrieked at her.
    She walked to the mirror over the sink and
looked at herself hard, trying to make her mind dredge up more. She
turned the cold water to full blast, splashed her face, and rinsed
out her mouth. As she gargled some mouthwash, her eyes snapped to
the shower, and her breathing stopped as she felt a flicker of
hands pressed to her body.
    Kate turned and fixed her
gaze into the shower, thinking hard. She remembered taking a shower
when she got home from the shelter. That
isn’t it. That isn’t it! Her mind screamed
inside, trying to recall anything. As she continued to stare, her
heart lurched again, feeling overwhelming loss, and she felt the
absence of lips against hers. Her body quickened at a memory she
couldn’t pull to her mind, but her body was telling her was
    She started to break down again,
heartbroken, and made herself stop when the backs of her eyes began

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