Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8)

Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8) by Sam Crescent

Book: Master (Chaos Bleeds Book 8) by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
wouldn’t I?”
    She stared down at her food before returning her gaze to his. “Because you’re a safe guy like that.”
    “Exactly, and you should…”
    “Trust you.”
    “I’ve got this, Sandy. I’ve got you, and we’re going to make it safe.”
    She nodded. “You’re right. So, let’s talk about something else. What are your plans for after all of this?” she asked.
    He took a large bite of his burger, and she watched him. This was what she found herself doing most times, watching him, observing, loving.
    “It depends on you,” he said.
    “It does? How?”
    “How do you like Vegas?”
    “It’s … okay.”
    Stink nodded. She didn’t understand why he suddenly looked nervous.
    “What’s going on?” she asked.
    “There’s something I want to ask you, and it’s really important that I do.”
    “All right, go for it.”
    “Sandy, I love you. I mean, I really love you. You’re my life, and I don’t see me being anywhere but with you.” He didn’t get down on one knee. Stink slid a velvet box toward her.
    “What is this?”
    “It’s what I’ve been wanting to give you for some time. I bought it a couple of years back.”
    “You’ve been meaning to propose to me for a few years?”
    “Yep. I’ve always been waiting for the right time. It’s no pressure at all, Sandy.”
    “No pressure? You’re proposing?” Her heart was racing, and tears filled her eyes. Staring across at the man who had not only protected her, but who had shown her what it truly meant to be loved, she couldn’t believe it.
    “We haven’t even had sex.”
    “I know. I should probably take you out for a test drive, right?”
    She giggled. “Yes.”
    Stink took the ring out of the box, and slid it onto her finger. “When all of this is over, I want to take you to Vegas, and then I want to take you wherever you want to go in the world.”
    “Really?” This was why she had fallen in love with Stink. He was such a charmer, a caring man, and she loved him with all of her heart.
    “Yes, really.”
    “What if you don’t like fucking me?” she asked.
    “You just can’t get your head out of the gutter.”
    “Stink, I’m forty years old. I know a relationship lasts a lot longer if there’s something keeping it together. Most of the time that something is sex.”
    “Well, I’d say that we’re going to be the ones to keep it together. You, me, and us. This is what is going to be keeping it together.”
    She stared down at the ring, shocked and delighted with his proposal. “I love you, Stink.”
    They finished eating their food before they looked through several of the shops. Stink had eyes for no one else but her, which she found to be a heady combination. There were some scantily clad women trying to get his attention, but he didn’t give them the time of day.
    The time away from the hospital was a delight. In the past three days Sandy had loved and hated her job as a doctor. Seeing Sophia’s health returning, Sally’s depression, followed by Sasha’s stillness, it had slowly started to tear her apart.
    If Stink hadn’t taken her away from it all—she really didn’t know what she’d have done if it wasn’t for him. He completed her. In the early years of spending time with him, she didn’t really think much of him.
    Stink was very silent. He spent most of his time watching rather than doing anything else, which was a strange combination to have. The club adored him as did she. She couldn’t imagine a life without him. He’d slowly gotten underneath her skin, and forced her to look at him.
    After she bought some fresh clothes to replace the ones that had been damaged in the gun attack, they were back on his bike heading toward his home.
    He lived thirty minutes from the clubhouse, close to Lash and Angel, Tiny and Eva. It was his own space, a three-bedroom house with a backyard that also had a pool. Stink enjoyed life’s luxuries, which was another surprise about him. She thought

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