Marrying The Boss

Marrying The Boss by Judi Nolan

Book: Marrying The Boss by Judi Nolan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judi Nolan
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
managed to catch up on
some much needed sleep. But now the weekend loomed and she was
beginning to feel concerned.
    " Don't be foolish," she sighed roughly,
looking away from the view.
    Spencer's personal life was none of her
affair. Getting to her feet to see her next patient, Kate shook her
head. "And make sure you remember that."

    A few hours later Cheryl entered the room
as Kate's last patient left. "I don't have any more for you
tonight, Dr. Martin. Go home and relax."
    Kate rolled her shoulders. "Thanks,
    As she was finishing Jake Morgan walked
into the room. "I'm covering Spencer's shift for emergencies
    He sat down beside Kate's desk, pulling
down the knot of his tie and undoing the top button of his shirt.
"That's better. All right, any patients I need to know
    " Just two of them." Kate consulted her
    She passed over a file. "You may get a
follow-up on Jane Pigott. I'm worried about her. She's only seven
years old and has been a mild asthmatic until a recent change in
her family's circumstances worsened her condition. Her parents are
only young themselves and say they're being forced by government
cutbacks to live in a derelict caravan in the local camping
    Kate frowned over the details. "Jane
hasn't had any hospital admissions that I'm aware of. Her nebulizer
is the old type that's being phased out. I've started her on
steroids, given her parents a script for the new type of inhaler
and afterwards Jane felt well enough to go home. I told her parents
to make sure they increase her inhaler usage and to call the after
hours number if she doesn't improve. Her flow rate's in her
notes—not ideal, but better than expected."
    " Good," Jake nodded. "I'll keep her in
mind. Anyone else?"
    " Yes, one of Spencer's patients." Kate did
another quick scan of her notes. "Fifty-five year old woman with
influenza. She insisted she was well enough to go home." Kate
handed him the second file. "I told her husband to telephone if she
    " Excellent." Jake's gaze became quizzical.
"So, any plans for the weekend, Kate?"
    " I think gardening will be about my speed.
It's been a long week, I need some down time."
    Jake chuckled. "Well, Spencer should be
back some time this weekend. He'll be well rested. I'll tell him he
needs to give you some help."
    Kate raised a denying hand. "No, please,
there's no need. I cope better on my own."
    " Maybe you cope too well sometimes? I've noticed
you like to keep to yourself."
    Jake's eyes moved over her face, as they did
the first day they met. Kate watched him taking frowning stock of
her features. Again she puzzled over why everyone kept staring at
her, but she had no answer.
    Jake finally looked away, shaking his head
as he stood up. "I'll get out of your way. Let you get finished.
Enjoy your weekend."
    Kate wasn't letting him escape. "Dr.
Morgan, please, what is it? What do you see when you look at
    " See?" Jake looked back from the doorway.
He passed a hand over the back of his neck. "Sometimes you remind
me of someone I once knew." He dropped his hand. "Maybe it's
because I need glasses for reading like Spence. Or maybe I'm just
getting old." He grinned. "My wife Maddie, keeps telling me I'm too
short sighted. I'm beginning to think she's right."
    Kate could see she wasn't getting a
straight answer to her question. She sighed and stood up. "I'll see
you on Monday then."
    " Fine. Enjoy your weekend." Jake quickly left the
    " I will." Kate stared after him.
    She got the distinct feeling he wasn't
telling her the truth. She didn't like secrets. But short of
chasing after Jake and demanding that he confess, what could she
    " So, your first week is finally over."
Cheryl bustled into the room. "You must be relieved. We got through
them all and it's only five fifteen. Do you have any plans for
    Kate finished tidying her desk. "No, no
    " Well, I know it's really short notice, but
my boyfriend and I are going out for a

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