Lex (Unconventional Hearts)

Lex (Unconventional Hearts) by S.K. Logsdon

Book: Lex (Unconventional Hearts) by S.K. Logsdon Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.K. Logsdon
    Yes, it is. You like me too much, and I’m
     stupid to admit I feel the same. We don’t even know each other, and
     you don’t know a damn thing about me. That I know for sure.
    Goodbye, Lex
    Figured I already signed it with my name
     once. Can’t hurt.
    From: SuitMaster6979
    To: Lotionlady319
    Wednesday 9:16 a.m.
    Yes, of course I like you. You’re beautiful,
     smart, funny, and I know a lot more about you than you know. I’m
     not telling you what, so don’t ask.
    We will date, Suit Master
    Oh my God! He is infuriating. He knows more
     about me? Like what? Arg! It doesn’t matter. My mind is made up.
     I’m done. This will be my last message. The end. Then I have to do
     some actual work.
    From: Lotionlady319
    To: SuitMaster6979
    Fine, I won’t ask what you know. It doesn’t
     matter. I’ve made up my mind. This will be the last email you ever
     receive from me. I wish you the best of luck. I don’t want to hurt
     your feelings. I feel this is best.
    Bye - Lex
    There that is the final email. Sounds good
     and nice. I’m not being mean.
    From: SuitMaster6979
    To: Lotionlady319
    Wednesday 9:21 a.m.
    That might be your last email to me,
     beautiful, but I will not give up. I’m a lawyer for a reason, and I
     fight for the things I want. Remember that.
    You will be
     mine – Your Suit Master
    You will be mine - Your Suit Master? Shit, oh shit, oh shit! What if he’s a Dom!? I didn’t even think he
     meant Master in that form. When you think Suit
     Master . You think of a man who looks hot in suits.
     Fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck. I might have just tormented a Dom. Brian
     was a Dom. Or a wannabe Dom. Please God if you are listening.
     Please, please, please. Don’t say I just pissed off a Dom.
    I remember the first time I pissed Brian off.
     We had already started our little sex experimenting. Or that’s what
     I called it. He took it way beyond that. It all drastically
     spiraled downhill from there.
    At the time, we lived in the country
     together, outside of Heartfair in his two story run down paint
     flaking farmhouse. You know the kind that you see in horror movies?
     With the rickety shutters, peeling paint, dilapidated front porch,
     and huge single pane windows with thick drapes hanging in them.
     Brian’s house was almost identical to that, except the interior
     didn’t match the outside. It was okay on this inside. Sure, it
     smelled musty from the basement’s cracked foundation that leaked
     water when it rained, and it had carpet; thirty years past its
     prime. It was livable and clean, for the most part. I wasn’t
     allowed to have anyone over to visit, so it didn’t really matter
     how clean it was. And I was forced to live with him and be his sex
     slave. No joke. I didn’t speak to my mom or Roni directly for
     months. Emails were exchanged but I was never the one emailing
     them. It was Brian.
    The first time I angered him I hadn’t
     prepared our dinner properly. I added too much milk to the macaroni
     and cheese. Chucking the glass bowl across the floor full of
     noodles, smashing it to smithereens, he stalked towards me and
     grabbed me by the back of my hair, dragging me outside the rickety
     backdoor, down the broken steps, and into the barn. That’s where he
     tied me to the rafters with yellow braided rope, in the freezing
     November cold and cut my clothes off with a sharp bowie knife. I
     was shivering so badly within seconds that my teeth we painfully
    I remember it all, like it was yesterday.
    “Why do you want to fix me bad food, you
     stupid bitch.” He smacked me hard across the face, and I spit a
     mouthful of blood onto the busted concrete barn floor.
    “If you do that again, I will make you lick
     it up.” He seethed, his tall lean body, stalking me with long
     powerful strides, around and around, as if I was his prey. He was
     wearing a pair of light washed dirty work jeans with holes in the
     knees, a black

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