Man and Superman and Three Other Plays

Man and Superman and Three Other Plays by George Bernard Shaw Page A

Book: Man and Superman and Three Other Plays by George Bernard Shaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: George Bernard Shaw
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asked her often enough. But she’s so determined to keep the child all to herself that she would deny that it ever had a father if she could. No: there’s nothing to be got out of her—nothing that one can believe, anyhow. I’m thoroughly uncomfortable about it, Praed.
    PRAED [ rising also ] Well, as you are, at all events, old enough to be her father, I don’t mind agreeing that we both regard Miss Vivie in a parental way, as a young girl whom we are bound to protect and help. All the more, as the real father, whoever he was, was probably a blackguard. What do you say?
    CROFTS [ aggressively ] I’m no older than you, if you come to that.
    PRAED Yes, you are, my dear fellow: you were born old. I was born a boy: I’ve never been able to feel the assurance of a grown-up man in my life.
    MRS. WARREN [ calling from within the cottage ] Prad-dee! George! Tea-ea-ea-ea!
    CROFTS [ hastily ] She’s calling us. [He hurries in. PRAED shakes his head bodingly, and is following slowly when he is hailed by a young gentleman who has just appeared on the common, and is making for the gate. He is a pleasant, pretty, smartly dressed, and entirely good-for-nothing young fellow, not long turned 20, with a charming voice and agreeably disrespectful manner. He carries a very light sporting magazine rifle. ]
    PRAED Why, Frank Gardner! [ FRANK comes in and shakes hands cordially. ] What on earth are you doing here?
    FRANK Staying with my father.
    PRAED The Roman father?
    FRANK He’s rector here. I’m living with my people this autumn for the sake of economy. Things came to a crisis in July: the Roman father k had to pay my debts. He’s stony broke in consequence; and so am I. What are you up to in these parts? Do you know the people here?
    PRAED Yes: I’m spending the day with a Miss Warren.
    FRANK [ enthusiastically ] What! Do you know Vivie? Isn’t she a jolly girl! I’m teaching her to shoot—you see [ shewing the rifle. ]! I’m so glad she knows you: you’re just the sort of fellow she ought to know. [ He smiles, and raises the charming voice almost to a singing tone as he exclaims ] It‘severso jolly to find you here, Praed. Ain’t it, now?
    PRAED I’m an old friend of her mother’s. Mrs. Warren brought me over to make her daughter’s acquaintance.
    FRANK The mother! Is s h e here?
    PRAED Yes—inside at tea.
    MRS. WARREN [ calling from within ] Prad-dee-ee-ee-eee! The tea-cake’ll be cold.
    PRAED [ calling ] Yes, Mrs. Warren. In a moment. I’ve just met a friend here.
    MRS. WARREN A what?
    PRAED [ louder ] A friend.
    MRS. WARREN Bring him up.
    PRAED All right. [ To FRANK. ] Will you accept the invitation?
    FRANK [ incredulous, but immensely amused ] Is that Vivie’s mother?
    PRAED Yes.
    FRANK By Jove! What a lark! Do you think she’ll like me?
    PRAED I’ve no doubt you’ll make yourself popular, as usual. Come in and try [ moving towards the house ].
    FRANK Stop a bit. [ Seriously. ] I want to take you into my confidence.
    PRAED Pray don’t. It’s only some fresh folly, like the barmaid at Redhill.
    FRANK It’s ever so much more serious than that. You say you’ve only just met Vivie for the first time?
    PRAED Yes.
    FRANK [ rhapsodically ] Then you can have no idea what a girl she is. Such character! Such sense! And her cleverness! Oh, my eye, Praed, but I can tell you she is clever! And the most loving little heart that—
    CROFTS [ putting his head out of the window ] I say, Praed: what are you about? Do come along. [ He disappears. ]
    FRANK Hallo! Sort of chap that would take a prize at a dog show, ain’t he? Who’s he?
    PRAED Sir George Crofts, an old friend of Mrs. Warren’s. I think we had better come in. [ On their way to the porch they are interrupted by a call from the gate. Turning, they see an elderly clergyman looking over it .]
    THE CLERGYMAN [ calling ]

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