Making the Grade
    “So you don’t think I’m weird?”
    “Sure I do. Anyone who likes fishing has a screw loose. But the sex? Nah. That just makes you more attractive, that you like to be creative in bed.”
    She smacked his leg but didn’t do more than smile.
    “Can I ask you something?”
    Since Will you marry me? was probably too soon, he started with, “What’s your favorite color?”
    She gave him a look before answering. “Blue. Yours?”
    She snorted. “Figures.”
    It took a moment to realize what she meant. “Damn it. Not because of money.”
    “Look in the mirror, moron. I like your eyes.”
    She opened her mouth, then closed it. “Oh.”
    “Yeah, oh.” Liking the fact she’d taken the rebuke in stride—and with a blush he could see even in the moonlight—he continued. “Your favorite food?”
    “Ice cream.”
    He smiled. “Mine too.”
    “Favorite movie?” she asked.
    As they traded information, the intimacy deepened. The stars grew brighter, the air crisper. She ditched her poles for the blanket on the ground, and he joined her, tugging another blanket over them.
    “I like this,” she said.
    “The blanket or me?”
    “Hmm. Tough question.” After he tickled an answer out of her, she said, “You.”
    “Me too, Faith. I don’t plan on seeing anyone but you.”
    Silence, until she asked, “Is this your way of saying you want to be my boyfriend?”
    “I guess. Although boyfriend sounds so high school.”
    “I know.” She hugged him closer. “I’m not seeing anyone but you. And I’m not a fan of dating multiple people.”
    “Good. So we’re exclusive.” Brian didn’t want to dance around the issue. It was too important to him.
    He grinned. “Then can I ask you for a favor?”
    “Ha. I knew there had to be something more to this.”
    “Oh? Besides wanting you all to myself?”
    “See? You know me well.” Brian kissed her. “I told you I don’t get along well with my father. But I’m trying to be a good son.”
    “No pun intended.”
    “A play on ‘Goode’? Really?”
    She grinned at him, and he continued, “Anyway, my father has some stupid fund-raiser he’s throwing for a charity next week, and I’ve been invited.”
    “Have fun.”
    He blew out a breath. “I want you to go with me. As my date.”
    She tensed. “I don’t know…”
    “Please? Otherwise I’ll have to go and be at the mercy of rich society snots. They can get so clingy, touchy-feely, and—”
    “Fine. I’ll go. But I won’t like it.”
    He kissed her, pleased when she opened her mouth to accept his tongue. “Hmm. I won’t like it either.”
    “So convince me why I should go.” Her hand slid down to his fly and hugged his erection.
    He sucked in a breath. “Shit, woman. Don’t you know it’s dangerous to play with snakes?”
    She laughed. “I don’t think this one is venomous. I’ve sucked the poison out before.”
    He groaned. “You trying to make me come in my jeans, is that it?”
    “You make me laugh, Brian.” She let him go and scooted over his body to kiss him. “I like that. I like you.”
    She made him feel so good. “I like you too. A lot.” I love you. They’d come so far in so little time.
    “I want to make love to you out here.” She put her hands between them again and shimmied out of her jeans and panties beneath the blanket. Then she pushed down his jeans and underwear, trapping his bare cock between her legs.
    “Christ, Faith. You keep handling me, I won’t last two seconds.”
    “I like you hungry for it.”
    “Not it —you.”
    Her eyes warmed. “Make love to me right here.”
    “Anything for you.” He kissed her, loving her with his mouth.
    She did all the work, settling herself over him and taking him in one slick surge.
    He bucked up, moaning into her mouth, but she gave him no quarter as she slowly rode him, taking him all the way inside her before she eased

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