magic and mayhem 01 - switching hour
finding my aunt's killer is my mission and I'm kind of behind on that."
    "I think it was the honey badgers, or maybe the hyenas, or possibly other witches," she volunteered.
    "That certainly narrows it down." I rolled my eyes and grabbed another cookie I didn't need. "I need to find the badgers."
    "No, Zelda. It's not safe. We can't lose you too," she stated firmly.
    Did she actually care or was it because I could heal them? I suppose it didn't really matter. I was leaving, but a tiny part of me wished it was just because she liked me.
    "I'm going on a date with Mac tomorrow," I told her quickly before I asked if she actually cared about me.
    "Oooooohhhh," she trilled as she grabbed her purse and made her way to the front door. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
    "Not really helpful," I told her as I followed her. "What don't you do?"
    "With my mate? Nothing." She laughed and hustled out.
    These Shifters were nuts.

Chapter 12
    Speaking of nuts, Fabio was on my bed doing his business.
    I'd spent last night after the picnic and the entire day today on Fabio's laptop studying honey badgers and hyenas. There were secret sites that pertained to Shifters and witches. Mortals thought these were jokes, but they weren't. Hiding in plain sight was the way most magical beings lived. As to why Fabio had a top of the line computer, I had no clue and decided it was in my best interest not to pursue any line of questioning.
    The late afternoon sun poured through the window and I sighed with contentment. Fabio and I had attacked the leftovers from yesterday's picnic for both breakfast and lunch. I shut the computer and grinned at the thought of a date with Mac. What to wear? Hmmmmmm.
    "Iiiiiii think I should accompaaany you on your oouuuting," Fabio said as he took a break.
    "And why would you think that?" I asked.
    I went through my outfit choices with materialistic glee.
    "So youuuuuu don't loooose your dignitttty with that hairy baaastard."
    "Too late. Been there. Done that," I said.
    Fabio moaned and slapped his little furry head with his paw.
    "I'm a grownup and you are my cat. My sex life is not your concern. I want to have some fun before I get turned into a mortal."
    "Baabaaa Yaaaaaga will not take your poweeeeers," he said with confidence.
    "Um… I have no clue who killed Hildy and I'm sure that's what I'm supposed to do here."
    "Areeee you suuure that's your task?" he asked as he pushed a pair of chocolate thigh high boots with stiletto heels at me.
    "Oh my hell, those are awesome. Did you go back to Paris?"
    "Nice. And no, I'm not sure that's my task, but solving the problems with the Shifters means staying and I don't stay. Anywhere. Ever."
    "That breeeaaaks my heart."
    "Well, get over it. You're going to have to find another witch unless I figure this clusterfuck out."
    "You're myyyyyy witch. I will go mortal with youuuuuu."
    "Is that possible?" I asked. What was wrong with him? Why would he do such a thing?
    "I willllllll make it soooooo."
    I shook my head and grinned. The little bastard was growing on me. At night he cuddled up and purred as I fell asleep. I was almost used to waking up and seeing his nut sack cleansing ritual every morning. Almost.
    "You are making it more difficult for me to mow you down with a car or put you in the pound." I scratched his furry head and then finished dressing. "How do I look?" I was rocking a super short mini and an off the shoulder fitted top.
    "Like my princessssssssss." he declared. "I juuust wish you were dating a waaarlock, not a wolf. Maaaaybe you should show a litttttle lesss cleavage."
    "Warlocks are losers. I wouldn't date a magic dude ever. Too self-absorbed in the bedroom," I told him as I touched up my makeup and lowed the neckline of my shirt a bit more just to piss him off.
    "TMI," Fabio grunted with disgust.

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