
Luster by Tessa Rowan

Book: Luster by Tessa Rowan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tessa Rowan
unfortunately into the arms of the skank he cheated on me with.
    But I thought that’s how it always happened. There wasn’t much of this cute, fun stage with me and him. And now that I’ve got Matt here, alone in my penthouse with me for the weekend, I suddenly don’t know what to do. And can I really even compare the two, anyway? I wouldn’t dare say the words dating or relationship in front of Matt. Not to mention the petite popstar-shaped elephant in the room…
    All of this inner-freaking out I’m doing is starting to remind me of something, though. Back when I first broke things off with he who shall not be mentioned, Eliza and a couple of our other girlfriends from school got together with me that night to share a giant tub of ice cream. It was carefully brought up that I had a tendency to push others away, even going so far as to try and sabotage my own feelings. In fact it was Eliza who said it.
    I was angry with her that night because I refused to believe I was one of those type of people. “I’m not some broken girl with mommy issues, E.”
    Maybe she wasn’t too far from the truth. Maybe she was actually right. And maybe I’m sitting here freaking out in my bathroom because I’m scared of getting hurt. Matt is most certainly capable of hurting me, and it’s something I will have to come to terms with if we go any further with things. Because I have to face it—I like him.
    I really like him. And okay, I really like how good he makes me feel. With a cock that pushes every possible physical boundary, and that infuriating smile of his, it’s hard not to like what he’s got going on. Even if he tends to hide it with sarcasm and general douchery.
    General douchery may lead to worse problems, a tiny voice in the back of my head warns me. Don’t get so caught up in Matt that you forget what you really came here for.
    The contract. Shit. This time I really do smack myself in the forehead. All this time, all these little games he’s been playing and I still don’t have his signature on file. I can’t shove my brilliance under my father’s upturned nose until I do, either.
    He’s just been pushing it off as an effort to keep seeing me though. That’s what my heart tells me and that’s what I really believe. So I can let that slide as long as he really does go through with his end.
    I flush the toilet and splash some cold water on my face, getting a good look at the mussed hair and smudged makeup in the mirror. Even through the mess, my eyes are sparkling. My cheeks are pink. The smile grows into a wide grin at the thought of what’s on the other side of this door.
    I walk back out, strutting right up to Matt who looks completely surprised when I shove the remotes off my bed and push him backwards. I straddle his hips and grind myself against him, coaxing his cock to life while I look down at him with a smug smile.
    A small to-do list pops up in my head. Cancel blind date. Pick up dry cleaning. Contract.
    He’s lost in bliss as I finally plunge myself down onto his thick length. I’ll remind Matt about our business agreement… but first I have to stop fucking him so much.

    A nd here I find myself soaping up Falyn’s gorgeous body again, my eyes roving over every part of her backside as she bends over to scrub her feet. Her ass makes the perfect upside-down heart shape, and its proximity to me has me harder than trigonometry.
    I grab her hips from behind when she stands back up and looks over her shoulder at me. “You have zero willpower I see.”
    The look she’s giving me reminds me of when I was a kid hamming it up in the middle of my class. My teachers would always give me this look like even though I was too much to handle, they loved me anyway. Falyn’s sexy smile adds a little something extra to the look.
    “I never claimed to be self-disciplined,” I whisper in her ear. And then I wind my hand into her long rope of wet hair and push her head down, grunting as her warm pussy

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