Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery

Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery by Jennifer Hampton

Book: Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery by Jennifer Hampton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Hampton
was, but she was quiet the entire drive. Even Caleb was concerned, but he didn't dare to break her from her reverie at this point. As we turned onto my street, Mina's worrying became clear to us all. It seemed as if the entire neighborhood was encircling my home.
    "Mina doesn't like all the attention." Caleb explained. I tried to stifle a laugh.
    "This must mean that the Prince is back." I groaned. He would only make getting out of the house more difficult. Now, was the perfect time to put my plan in action. All the cards were going to be put on the table. I would take no exceptions.
    As we pulled into the garage, Caleb assisted us out of the car and Mina followed me inside through the kitchen. The house smelled of freshly baked cookies.
    "Leigha, we're in the living room dear." My mother yelled.
    "Shh. It's impolite to shout." Someone chided my mother. I walked curiously into the living room. Alexander's face lit up the moment he saw me. He seemed elated about something. What could put such a smile on that glorious creatures face? I was so absorbed in the Prince's beauty that I didn't notice that the towns Socials were in my living room.
    "Huh?" Was all I could manage to say. My mother jumped from the sofa and hurried over to me.
    "The ladies decided to stop by and welcome us to Banks." My mother said happily. Oh, I remembered how much my mother dreamed of becoming part of a social group of rich snobs. I smiled, feigning interest as she pulled me over to the group of uptight women.
    They were all dressed in expensive clothing, their hair cropped up into sophisticated buns. Mina entered the living room along with Caleb, and they joined the Prince's company.
    "Mina, yes… The ladies have been asking about." My mother chanted, pushing me out of the way, as if I was no longer standing in the room.
    My plan was being faltered. I couldn't let this happen. Mina frowned as my mother quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the sofa.
    I looked over to Alexander, whom was gazing at me. I couldn't help but to stare back. He was the most beautiful figure in the room. As much as he annoyed me, I couldn't deny the butterflies he put in my stomach. He was so wonderful to me. The fact that he was a royal figure was a big bonus. I pulled off my jacket and excused myself into the kitchen. I had to text Maria and let her know we would have to assume plan b.
    "Is something wrong Leigha?" Alexander asked. Damn, why did he have to follow me into the kitchen?

* * * * *
    I Know The Truth About You
    I turned, a bit startled to find the glorious figure standing over me.
    "Leigha?" He called again, those wondrous chocolate brown eyes boring into mine. My blackberry fell out of my hands, and instead of it crashing to the hard kitchen tile floor, the swift movement of Alexander's hands caught it in midair. I didn't even see him move. He held the device for a long moment before handing it back to me.
    "You should be more careful." He murmured.
    "I know." I said. He grinned at me, and I couldn't resist inhaling the sweet scent of his breath.
    "You know?" He stared at me bewildered. I drew in his breath once more, reaching fearfully out for the phone. He pulled it away from me, awaiting my answer.
    "What do you know Leigha?" He asked curiously. His tone was soft, encouraging.
    "I know what you are…" I said in a murmur. He smiled at me, his eyes suddenly glowing golden brown right before my very eyes.
    "What am I Leigha?" He asked, moving closer towards me. I stood still, frozen in place.
    "Leigha…" He spoke softly, his face just inches from my own.
    "You're the son of King Thaneaddus. You're a Vampire. A royal one at that." I said fearfully. He frowned, backing away from me.
    "I knew it wouldn't take you long to figure it out." He said. He seemed a bit saddened by it.
    "Does my mother know what's going on?" I asked nervously.
    "Absolutely." He answered flatly. I placed my hand on the counter of the bar, holding my body up

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