Lust Thy Neighbor

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Book: Lust Thy Neighbor by Emily Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Snow
especially by Alexandra."
    "And everyone else," she added miserably.
    "Right." He reached for her hand and interlocked their fingers together.
    "Hey, Dec.” She lightly tugged on his hand.
    He stopped and looked back. "Yeah?"
    "Thank you."
    "You've already thanked me enough," he punctuated the statement with a teasing smirk. "I'll be looking for payment at the end of the evening in the form of your smeared lipstick and tangled hair.”
    “I meant for telling me about your past. Thank you for being upfront."
    He nodded. "I figure that if we get all that out in the open, at least we're honest about what's happened. Everyone has a past and bring their own baggage, but I don't want you to be surprised by the luggage I carry."
    "That's very refreshing. I'm used to being the last to know.”
    "Believe me, I suck enough at relationships, casual or otherwise, and I might very well screw things up entirely. I might as well be truthful about the shit I've done."
    She stepped close to him and brushed her lips against his. With her heels, it brought her just under eye-level to him. He kept her fingers laced with his and let her direct the kiss. She shyly explored his mouth with hesitant licks and he enjoyed every moment of it, feeling like they were kissing for the first time again. Bringing up his other hand to ride low on her back, his fingers just brushed the curve of her ass and he groaned. Declan felt her pull back and he allowed it, lazily sifting the soft, fabric of her dress.
    “How's that for smeared lipstick?” she breathed against his lips.
    "That doesn't count for the kiss you're going to owe me at the end of the night."
    She shivered against him. “You're demanding, Mr. Pierce.”
    He reluctantly released her but kept a hold on her hand when he went to ring the doorbell.

Chapter Nine
    "V iolet, so good to see you, sweetheart." She was taking off her coat when she heard her grandfather's voice cut into her action. Feeling Declan slip behind her to help her slide the coat off her shoulders, she sent him a grateful smile.
    "Grandpa!" Even in her heels she went on her tiptoes, pressed her cheek against her grandfather's and accepted his hug. "Looking good tonight, old man.”
    "And you're as beautiful as always." He looked over her shoulder. "You must be the young man that Alexandra has told me about. I’m George Clarkson.
    Declan extended his hand. "Declan Pierce, sir. Nice to meet you."
    "Alexandra mentioned you're a writer."
    "A columnist, Mr. Clarkson."
    "And you've got a younger brother that you care for?"
    He nodded. "My brother, Jacob is fourteen, yes."
    "I am sorry to hear about your parents, son. Must be hard raising a teenager by yourself."
    "There's no other choice. I'm all Jacob has and we're family."
    Violet beamed when she saw Grandpa get that approving glint in his sharp blue eyes. She knew that George Clarkson valued loyalty in those around him. He was a man who was used to being in a position of power and expected people around him to respect him and remain loyal.
    "That's good son, very good."
    And Declan was looking particularly good tonight, if she did say so herself. When she had teased him in the car about his tongue hanging out at the sight of her all made up and in a nice dress, she cleverly left out how much she appreciated his appearance as well. His black suit was pressed and neat but the darkness didn't drown him out or make him appear out of his element. He looked comfortable all suited up. But then again, Violet mused, she figured that a man who was as confident as Declan would be comfortable in a pair of dirty jeans and t-shirt and equally so in full penguin get-up.
    The cut of the suit emphasized his muscles and lean strength. The suit had obviously been tailored for him specifically and Violet could appreciate a well-made piece of clothing. Declan's snowy white dress shirt was complimented with a swath of color by a dark blue tie. A heavy watch peeked out from under his cuff. His dark hair

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