Lust Thy Neighbor

Lust Thy Neighbor by Emily Snow Page B

Book: Lust Thy Neighbor by Emily Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Snow
was in its perpetual tousled state, but it looked damn near perfect to her. It made her want to run her hands through it to calm it down and then mess it up all over again just because she preferred it that way.
    "Violet, why don't you go and get a drink for you and Declan? Afterwards, go find your grandmother and let her know you're here, alright? I have to go speak with a colleague."
    "See you later, Grandpa."
    "That wasn't so bad." Declan looked around. "Wow, nice place." He saw a group of people crowded around Violet's grandfather and another little group by a baby grand piano.
    She nodded and guided him over to the bar, where she asked for a glass of red wine. The bartender grabbed a goblet and tilted it as he poured in the dark liquid, focusing his gaze on Declan. "For you, sir?"
    "Scotch, neat."
    Violet couldn't help but smile. "Such a grown up drink."
    Declan reached for the squat glass, bringing it to his lips for a drink. "I've grown out of my days when I used to suck on a keg."
    Stretching out his hand, he lightly skimmed her temple. He dipped down to brush her collarbone, and she felt that whisper of a touch clear to her toes. How could this man affect her like this? One touch from him and her body seemed to sizzle. She bit her lip, embarrassed to discover that her body—from her nipples to that sensitive spot between her thighs— had grown taut at his touch. .
    "You're looking deliciously turned on right now." He stepped closer and coiled his free hand around her waist. “You are, aren't you?” He spoke tenderly with a sexy gleam in his dark eyes.
    She allowed him to pull her closer and rested the side of her body against the hardness of his chest. She didn't, however, lean and cuddle into him, no matter how much she wanted to. She needed to leave a certain amount of respectable space between them. She needed it to retain her sanity. "I'm starting to understand what all those other women must've seen in you."
    When she peeked up, she saw his jaw tighten. "You're nothing like them."
    Feeling inexplicably flattered, she teased him with a very brief kiss on the corner of his mouth. "Suck up."
    He groaned so softly that no one else could hear. "You better stop or else I'll be throwing you over my shoulder and taking you straight home."
    That sounded awfully promising to her, and she found herself biting her lower lip. “That's the second time you've threatened that, so I really hope you plan on following through.”
    She jerked out of Declan's arms, her wine sloshing dangerously to the side of her glass. She knew that voice. Knew it with her back turned and her eyes closed. Funny, she thought, that once she found that voice sexy but now after having heard Declan's low, sexy growl, she didn't think it could compare.
    Still, her heart skipped a beat as she twisted around slowly and stared into blue eyes she hadn't seen in months. "Hello, Henry.” She lifted her chin high.
    Declan stiffened and instantly disliked the sight of the tall blue-eyed stranger. He also didn't like how Violet had jumped away from his touch the second the other man said her name. He moved in to reclaim his place by slipping his arm around her waist and was pleased when she didn't move away this time.
    "I didn't think you'd be here. Grandma didn't mention anything."
    Declan saw the guy not so subtly check out Violet, sweeping his eyes over her body slowly, savoring inch by beautiful inch. He had to suppress his instinct to deck the guy for looking at his date like he was mentally undressing her.
    She was with him tonight.
    "It was a last minute decision. I was visiting my parents and they forgot to tell me they were coming to this party.” His lips pressed into a half-smile. “My mother talked me into tagging along.”
    “And you couldn't just say no?” Violet demanded breathlessly.
    “She said just because you and I are ... no longer a thing ... doesn’t mean she has to stop being friends with your

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